The Many Benefits of Virtual Workouts from Home

We’ve seen a lot of change in the fitness industry over the last year – not the least of which is the shift from big box gyms to online training. Not only are we becoming more reliant on virtual everything, expectations have shifted. More and more of us want easy access to all kinds of training regardless of whether we live in the big city or the mountains. The very real benefits of virtual workouts becomes clearer every day!

In March of 2020 my small studio in a similarly small town in the middle of Vermont was approaching it’s anniversary. I hadn’t been open a whole year yet, but I was looking forward to celebrating with a close knit group of babes who’d been showing up daily, sun or snow.

Then COVID. Like every other small business owner I shut my doors expecting to be back in a matter of weeks. When it became obvious that wasn’t going to happen, I pulled out of my lease and moved my business online.

While I can’t think of a ton of upsides to this global pandemic – the forced transition to an online platform and eye-opening realization of just how good it could be – was a positive game changer for me and for a lot of my clients.

My clients quickly realized that virtual workouts opened up doors they never knew existed. For sure, online training is not for everyone. But there are real benefits to virtual workouts – benefits that go beyond the heart-pumping, endorphin boosting exercise.

Workout from (literally) anywhere

Finding a studio, or a workout, or an instructor that motivates you and fits your schedule can be tough, especially when you don’t live in or near a big city. I have to drive 25 minutes to get to the closest town, and there isn’t even a gym there! Virtual workouts mean that as long as you have wi-fi, you have access to your favorite fitness classes no matter where you are.

Virtual workouts mean you don’t have to battle traffic or show up 30 minutes early to make sure you get a good spot (close enough to see but not too close…you know?). It means that you can workout outside when the sun is out, in your bare feet when you feel like it and in your own living room if you’re lucky enough to have the house to yourself!

I’ve taught virtual classes 4-5 times a week, every single week for the last 1.5 years and I have no plans to stop. I can teach whether I’m at home, visiting family or on vacation. And my clients can do the same!

Increase your confidence

Gyms and fitness classes can be intimidating especially if you’re new to the scene. I remember the first time I stepped foot in a yoga class. Everyone around me seemed to know what they were doing except yours truly. Warrior who?

One of the benefits of virtual workouts is that you’re in your own space, on your own time, with no one to feel intimidated by. You can go at your own pace, listening and watching from cues from your instructor. No pressure to keep up with the person next to you.

I actually have a couple of clients who get together with friends occasionally to do virtual workouts. It’s fantastic for them – the encouragement, the community – and great for me because I get to watch them smile and make jokes the whole time!

Zero waste of time

Tell me if this sounds familiar to you…your favorite class starts at 5:30 pm. But it’s everyone’s favorite class so you know you have to get there early if you want to secure your spot in the corner where no one can see you. You leave work early, battle rush hour, circle the parking lot. And that’s all so that you can get there 20 minutes early, set up and then hurry up and wait. Waste.of.time.

Virtual workouts erase all of that time suck. No commute. No need to save a spot. You simply boot up the lap top or iPad, tie your shoes and get to work.

Create a supportive community

One of the best benefits of virtual workouts is the community. There is nothing like signing on every morning or afternoon to your favorite instructor and a group of ladies who you know you can laugh with, sweat with, swear silently at your coach with and all the in betweens.

I can’t tell you how amazing it is for me to workout every week with this group of women. Do we open each workout with a little b*itching session? Maybe. Has anyone ever thrown a pillow in my direction during a class? Yep =) And there’s nothing more motivating then knowing we have to show up for each other!

Beat workout boredom

There is an endless list of options for you to choose from when it comes to online workout classes and instructors. Whether you’re in to Peloton or Zumba, HIIT or yoga – Google that and be prepared for thousands upon thousands of hits.

During any given week, my clients will do Tabata, Core and Mobility, Boot Camp, Upper Body or Lower Body Strength, Gutts and Butts and the list goes on. If you get bored easily and are looking for the perfect way to never skip a workout, check it out!

Get professional guidance

Do you have to pick and choose? Yes. Are all instructors made equally? No. But do your research. Test it out. Find someone who makes working out fun and also gives you professional guidance and qualified feedback.

I do every workout – every rep, set and stretch – during my virtual classes. My goal isn’t just to get a workout in (although that’s a major benefit). It’s to demonstrate proper form, give movement and technique cues that I know work and to know exactly when my babes are probably feeling like they’re legs are going to fall off! Those are huge benefits for anyone looking to get stronger, leaner and more confident in their lifts.

*p.s. if you aren’t comfortable working out in front of the camera, here are a couple of things to think about…

  • it’s perfectly okay to workout off to the side. Just know that I (or any other instructor) can’t see you and correct.
  • no one is watching you except you and your trainer.
  • everyone in the class is doing the exact same movement so guess what? If you’re not over there judging anyone from your home gym, it’s highly unlikely anyone is judging you.

Find a sense or normal when life is anything but

Remember January of 2021 when we were all realizing that maybe normal wasn’t coming back anytime soon? That left a lot of people stranded – physically and mentally. A life that was once packed with interactions and movement all of the sudden condensed to the size of the dimensions of our homes. Talk about a tough time to find normalcy mentally or physically.

Virtual classes give you that sense of normalcy. The same instructor. The same vibe. The same group of people connecting at the same time every day, week after week. That’s comforting and motivating. There’s support, accountability and friendship all wrapped up into one!

Interested in experiencing the benefits for yourself? Visit Julia Hale Fitness on YouTube to check out recorded classes for free or sign up for your first class today!

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