☑️ Lose Body Fat and Build Muscle with Tailored Fitness/Nutrition a Plan

☑️Build a Lifestyle and Mindset for Long-Term Success and Confidence

☑️Stay on Track to Become Your Healthiest, Most Energized and Empower Self

living and looking fit shouldn’t feel impossible…

You need a plan that’s built for you. Tailored to your needs.
Designed for your lifestyle. Created to get you the results you want.

I help busy professionals transform their bodies and lives by providing customized fitness and nutrition programs that build strength, improve body composition, and establish sustainable healthy habits.

With personalized guidance, support, and accountability, I empower my clients to feel confident, energized, and in control of their health and fitness journey.

☑️ Change your Physique: follow a strategic training and nutrition plan to lose fat, build muscle and transforms your body.☑️ Improve your Health: create the healthy habits, routines and mindset to build the strongest, most capable body possible.☑️ Transform your Life: my mission is to not only help you get fit now, but empower you to maintain your new healthy lifestyle forever.

get start - book your free strategy session


A whole new, whole YOU approach to fitness and health.


You can get to know me, I can get to know you, and we can begin to map out the personalized training and nutrition strategy – including progressions, phases and exercise strategy – that best suits your goals, your health history, your timeline and lifestyle.


Online training allows you to train anywhere, anytime, regardless of where you or your coach live. You’ll have 24/7 access to your individualized program – including training videos, progression tracking, nutrition targets and habit coaching – so that you ALWAYS know what your next move is.


Before calorie balance and before compound exercises, CONSISTENCY is the key to your success. As your coach, I’m with you every step of the journey. Daily and weekly health/tracking check-ins, private coaching calls, 24/7 messaging – you will never be alone!


Hi! I’m Julia. That’s me over there.

I’m an online personal trainer and nutrition coach, a fitness blogger, dog-mom, and self-titled “Fit Foodie” based in the wild mountains of Vermont, U.S.A.

Helping women gain confidence and be the absolute best versions of themselves is my passion. I still remember the day that I realized that my Best Self was someone I could BUILD rather than someone I had to diet down to find. With that shift in mindset and direction, my entire world changed.

If I could spend every waking minute helping other people discover that same fire, to recognize how strong they can be and how much freedom comes from letting go of self-sabotaging limiting beliefs – I would!

Over the last 10 years I’ve worked with women who want to lose weight, who want to improve their relationship with their body, who want to feel strong and look like they workout. I’ve realized that whether you live in Vermont or Hawaii, Winnipeg or Saudi Arabia, we all just want to live well, feel empowered and enjoy the body we’re doing life in.

I’ve also realized that as important as these goals feel – maybe because they feel so important – it can be really hard to throw yourself into a relationship with a new trainer. Which is why I always offer a free consultation. Let’s get to know each other. If it feels right, and if I know I can help you, then let the fun begin! Start (risk-free) by booking a Strategy Session at a time that works best for you.

“Any time I work with Julia, I see results.

If you’re looking for someone who can meet you where you’re at on your fitness journey, who can push you to test limits, and who can support you throughout the process – Julia is for you!!”

“Absolutely overall healthier since I started…

If you think you can’t – I’m here to testify that you actually CAN. Julia gives you all the tools you need in your toolbox in order to make it happen.”

“I am feeling great!

Very motivated. When I started the program I felt seriously fatigued all the time, it’s crazy to feel the change in energy levels as my diet has shifted.”

“I’ve not only transformed my body…

but my way of thinking about my physical health. Her coaching has been the perfect guide…with Julia’s help I’ve lost fat, gained muscle, and increased my flexibility. She is amazing!”.

“I saw results almost immediately!

This program was TOUGH but if you’re willing to put in the hard work, it’s so worth it! The program is so well-rounded and the perfect recipe for success!”




After your Strategy Session you’ll receive a Welcome Packet and login link to your Training Dashboard. Plans typically take from 3-5 days to be create and set in your schedule. I create each program tailored to your specific needs so it does take some time to strategize, develop and  design your training program, nutrition plan, support strategy, etc.

That said, as soon as you are in the Training Dashboard you can start tracking meals, logging data and exploring the app. 99% of the time, the 1st 1-2 weeks (minimum) are designed to set a solid foundation of routines, habits and data collection. So really, you could get started on your journey within 24 hours after we connect!


After your Strategy Session and sign up, you will have 24/7 messaging access with me, your coach. I do try to set a 9pm EST cut off time, but will often respond to messages even after that, and always within 12-24 hours.

You have the opportunity to communicate and check-in daily (highly recommended). But this ultimately depends on how often you have questions or what we find is best for accountability.

Every Friday you will fill out a Weekly Health Check-In (Google form) that allows you to reflect on the week, report back on specific metrics we’ve decided to track, give and get feedback about what’s feeling good, what’s challenging, and where you most need support.

Every 2 weeks you will schedule a 1:1 video check in with me so that we can dive deeper into questions and challenges and strategize together to formulate the best action plan for the upcoming week(s).


Your nutrition plan will be completely tailored to YOU. That means that until I know you and your goals I can’t give you a “set in stone” answer to this question.

That said, most often there will be some combination of habit-based coaching and macronutrient tracking. While I believe in the science and results-driven value of specific metrics, I also understand that for most people, long-term sustainable results come from habits and routines rather than numbers and calculators.

Throughout, we will use specific metrics to track your progress, energy, consistency and health-biofeedback markers, ensuring you’re on track.


I get it. I had a negative relationship with the scale for a long time and not using it as a tool to track my progress was actually the best thing for me.

Weight on the scale is just one data point amongst many that we can collect to measure progress. In fact, it’s one of the least important, in my opinion.

We will use other metrics such as:

  • progress photos
  • biofeedback
  • health markers
  • consistency
  • strength gains
  • workout logs

Yes. I ask for a minimum commitment of 3 months. Serious results take time to achieve. 3 months at least gives us enough time to create momentum, see some physique and health improvements and set up a solid foundation for future success and sustainability.

That said, the clients who have seen the BEST results have worked with me for 6-12, and sometimes 12+ months. It really depends on your goal, your adherence level and your fitness capability. I’ll be up front with you on our call – letting you know whether or not you will be able to achieve your goal in a 3 month period. I believe in honest and clear communication.

*You do not have to pay for the entirety of your program up front. 99% of my clients prefer to pay on a monthly basis – and that’s just fine! I have found that monthly payments actually increases accountability and motivation. The recurring investment is a reminder to keep going!