10 Simple Strategies to Make Morning Workouts Easier

For many women, morning workouts come with a ton of perks:

  • It’s one thing checked off the to do list before the day gets started.
  • You get an energy kick that lasts all day long.
  • Pride, baby – nothing feels better than knowing you fit your workout in before your day gets started.
  • Sets you up (mentally), for success.

Morning workouts have a 101 benefits. I know I feel so much better when I move in the morning – before work, before real life kicks in. It’s not always easy to get up extra early in order to exercise, but I never regret it.

Here are some strategies that I’ve had success with when it comes to making morning workouts just that much easier.

10 Simple Strategies to Make Morning Workouts Easier

#1: Have a Workout Plan

This is non-negotiable for me. If I want to eliminate any inkling of doubt about getting up and getting my morning workouts done, I have a plan. I know exactly what muscle groups I’m targeting and what exercises I am going to do.

Having a workout plan ready to go takes the guess work out of exercise. You don’t have to think about it – you just do it. That’s especially important in the morning when your a) maybe not firing on all cylinders yet and b) craving a feel good vibe to start your day.

#2: Plan something you like to do

Listen, if you hate running, don’t plan a run for 6 am. It’s already hard to get motivated to get out of bed. If you’re trying to convince yourself to get out of bed in order to do something you don’t want to do – what are the chances you’re going to follow through?

Make sticking to your morning workouts easier by doing a workout you really enjoy. If yoga is your thing, do yoga. A lot of my clients get up to walk their dogs in the morning. It gives them space and quiet time to spend focusing on themselves, it exercises the wild beasts and it’s gentle enough to do immediately upon waking up.

#3: Be realistic

If you struggle to wake up in the morning already, it’s probably not the time to plan a really long or really difficult workout. Heavy lifting or half marathon training are perhaps best left for another time.

When you’re planning your morning workouts, figure your answers to these questions in:

  • How long do I realistically have? Consider how long it takes you to gather yourself together, get dressed, warm up, workout and cool down.
  • What’s my energy level like when I wake up? If you’re the energizer bunny in the morning, a burst of high-energy movement might be perfect for you. But if you’re more like the energizer bunny without batteries, tone down your expectations.

Remember that every little bit of movement counts. So just because this workout isn’t the kind that involves sprints or heavy squats, doesn’t mean that it’s not doing great things for your health!

#4: Sign up for a workout class

I’ll be honest with you, the main reason that I can get up to workout in the morning is because I teach a fitness class to a dedicated group of women four days a week. The workouts are scheduled, booked and paid for. I know that this crew relies on me and I feel 100% accountable to them.

This kind of commitment works both ways. If you want to stay committed to morning workouts, sign up for a workout class. Pay for it ahead of time and let people know you’ll be there. You’ll feel more motivated and more accountable to show up.

#5: Lay our your gear and pack your gym bag the night before

Take as many steps ([physical and mental) out of your morning as you can. Laying out your gym clothes and packing everything you need into your bag the night before takes the hassle out of morning workouts. Do you have your…

✅ Favorite sports bra?

✅ Airpods?

✅ Running shoes?

✅ Hair elastics?

No more freaking out about whether you have everything you need or not. All you have to do is get up, throw on your gear and head out the door.

#6: Get your coffee ready to go.

If you have a fancy, programmable coffee maker, program it to brew right as your alarm goes off. Or if you’re me, grab your favorite bag of coffee, set up your filter and scale and fill the pot with water so that all you have to do in the am is hit Grind and Go.

I’ll also pull out my shaker with a scoop of Greens and a scoop of Reds so that I don’t have to think about my morning routine at all.

#7: Have a delicious breakfast plan

I’m all about the little rewards that keep you motivated on a daily basis. One of those rewards: a delicious breakfast to refuel post morning workout!

Don’t worry if you don’t like to eat right before you workout. I don’t either and I don’t actually recommend it as it can definitely cause discomfort. Having a pre-planned (and maybe even pre-made?!) breakfast for post-workout is a great way to stay motivated to get it done.

#8: Have a “Morning Workouts Only” Playlist

And fill it with all of your favorite upbeat, energizing jams. Limit yourself to using this playlist only when you get up for that pre-real life workout session!

#9: Keep your WHY in mind

I’m not talking about the 5 pounds you want to lose this month. Or the 5 miles you committed to running this week. I’m talking about that deep down why.

We all have reasons behind reasons that drive our goals. Whether you want to lose weight, or build muscle, or run a half marathon, there’s a deeper reason behind the physical goal. Maybe you want to feel confident in your body. Or you want to be able to do anything you want without asking for help. Or you want to feel better and live a longer, healthier life. It’s these reasons that will wake you up in the morning and get you going.

Better yet, keep it written down and stuck to your mirror or your night stand – anywhere that you can see it when you wake up in the morning.

#10: Stay consistent

Waking up around the same time every day is crucial to falling into a routine that feels both natural and good. Staying on a consistent sleep schedule helps your body’s circadian rhythm – your internal clock that plays a vital role in when you start to feel tired and when it’s time to wake up.

Try to head to bed around the same time every night. Give your body the sleep it needs and you’ll wake up more energized and more likely to get to the morning workout.

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