Prioritize Your Health for Better Living

When was the last time you made you your ultimate priority?

You want to live your life as best you can – to be there for your friends and family, to grow old and be around for years to come, able to move and jump and enjoy yourself with ease. The only way to do that is to be healthy, mind, body and spirit. And even though making yourself a priority sounds so selfish…it’s actually the best thing that you can do for you and for your loved ones.

If When you make the decision to prioritize your health, think about the impact you are making on those that hold you as a role model. Think about what you are teaching your children, your friends and family. Think about how much better of a person you are when you are healthy and happy.

In taking care of yourself you are giving the best possible gift you can to those you love: you. Committing to being your best, looking and feeling your best, is one of the greatest gifts you can give.

And it starts now.

Step 1. Nourish your body.

Start by giving your body the nutrients it needs to thrive. Make food choices that benefit your body and your brain. Bypass the fast food restaurants and start cooking at home more often. Shop the perimeter of the store for fresh fruit, vegetables, grains and lean protein. Avoid the aisles stocked with processed and prepackaged food – foods loaded with added sugars, fats, sodium and additives that your body doesn’t want or need.

Take time to recognize how you feel when you eat junk food versus when you eat wholesome, real food. Be mindful about what you put into your body. That awareness can go a long way in changing your body composition and your mentality.


Step 2: Move your body.

It’s sometimes hard to find the time to go to the gym. But movement is important, especially if you spend your working hours at a desk. Human bodies are not built to stay stagnant. Schedule time at the gym. Write it in your calendar. Sign up for classes. Book time with a trainer. Recruit a friend to hold you accountable.

Your steps add up. Park further away from the front door. Take the stairs. Get up from your desk every hour to take a short walk. Play a game of Frisbee. Being active doesn’t mean a scheduled, 1-hour workout at the gym. Look out for every opportunity to move throughout your day and take it.

Step 3: Relax your body.

If you can reduce stress in your life, you will feel the positive changes immediately. Take 5 minutes to write a list of the things that stress you out. What activities give you anxiety? Who brings stress into your life? Try to recognize these triggers and reduce their appearance in your life.

Take 5-10 minutes every day to be mindful of your head-space and whatever tension you are feeling. Breathe deeply, relax and release what you can mentally. Practice self-love and consciously remind yourself to be kind to yourself.

Step 4: Rest your body.

A good night’s sleep is perhaps the most important action (or non-action), that you can take to recharge, de-stress and prioritize your health. A well-rested you has the energy and focus to make smart, healthy decisions. A well-rested you is a healthier you.

Create an evening ritual that preps your body and mind for bed. Shut off electronics. Take a bath. Drink chamomile tea. Read a book. Write in a journal. Making a habit out of these things physically, mentally and physiologically prepares your body for a restful night’s sleep.


It’s not just you who benefits from the time you take for yourself though truthfully, you is enough. Do things that reinforce your physical, mental and emotional well-being and you’ll find the reward permeates every aspect of your life.

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