If You Want to Achieve Your Goals, Set SMART Ones

Can a goal be achieved by coincidence? Does fate play a role? Sure. Maybe. Yes. Sometimes. But why leave it to chance? If you have an idea of what you want to achieve, turn it into a goal. Better yet, turn it into an actionable, SMART goal.

A dream becomes a goal when action is taken toward its achievement.             

– Bo Bennet

Dream big, set your goals strategically. SMART goals aren’t vague desires. SMART goals are clear end points with obvious intent and direction on how to reach them. SMART goals bring you closer to success with actionable steps every day.

SMART goals fit this criteria:

They are…





Time Bound.

Start Here.

Ask yourself questions to decide what you really want.

Let’s break that sentence down.

“Ask yourself”

YOU are what matters when it comes to setting goals for yourself. Forget what you read in the magazine. Ignore the unreachable “ideals” blasted all over social media. This is not about what your boyfriend/girlfriends wants, what your parents want, what you friends at work want. This is about what YOU want.


Question the resolutions you made in the past. You were a different person when you made them. Your mindset was different, your abilities were different, your values were different, your free-time was different.

Reset your mindset from an others-based belief system to a you-based belief system. Question yourself – are you making this goal to satisfy you or are you making it to try to satisfy someone else?


Choosing one goal might feel overwhelming. Don’t let it. No goal is wrong. Any goals that are set with the above criteria in mind is worthwhile. You get to decide. 

The point is: decide. Push the wishy-washy out the window (I’m a Libra, I GET wishy-washy). Be bold in your decision.

“What you really want” 

What matters to you? Does being skinny MATTER? Or does getting healthy in order to live live longer and feel more alive matter? Do 5, or 10, or 15 pounds MATTER? Or does the ability to move without pain matter? What do you REALLY want?

Make it SMART

It’s time to take action. It’s time to take your goal and make it SMART.


This is the what, the who and the how. Your goal is not vague. Instead of “I want to lose weight” the goal becomes “I want to lose 24 pounds by losing 2 pounds of fat every month for the next 12 months”.

Specifically, how  are you going to reach your goal? Are you going to hire a trainer? Go to the gym 4 times a week? Cut out alcohol?

Who is involved? Is it just you or is a partner or friend or co-worker involved?

The more specific you can be, the clearer your path becomes.


I love this component of SMART goals. A measurable goal has clearly defined moments at which you’ll know you’ve succeeded/are succeeding. A measurable goal feels a certain way, looks a certain way, manifests in your life in a specific way. You KNOW when you have met a measurable goal.

Getting healthy is not a measurable goal. Hitting specific health markers (BMI, blood pressure, cholesterol), is a measurable goal.

The part that I love: measurable goals allow you to celebrate small wins along the way. If you make a goal to lose 24 pounds, you can celebrate the win of 2 pounds a month Every. Single. Month. What’s more motivating than a reward every month?


Is your goal achievable in the time you’ve set (see below)? Do you have the time, the money and capability to make it happen? If you are 5’1” and have never played basketball, is a career in the NBA attainable?

My example is a little dramatic, I know. But the point is that you should set a goal that you can achieve. ABSOLUTELY SHOOT FOR THE STARS. Just make sure that your goal is one that you can physically, mentally and emotionally achieve.


Where does your goal fit in your life? Is it important to you? Why? What is your WHY? 

Will your goal make your life better? Will it make you a happier person? Becoming Instagram-famous might be attainable for you, but is it relevant to your life? Do you need that?


Set a deadline for your goal. Be flexible with your timeline, but your finish line should be a real thing. Goals work well when you have a sense of urgency. Deadlines create that sense of urgency. Skipping the gym this week, telling yourself that you will pick it back up next week, is acceptable when there is no deadline. Skipping the gym becomes a bigger deal if you have a goal deadline 6 months down the road.

Hold yourself accountable or find someone to hold you accountable. Set a goal date, post it on your mirror and strive to hit it every singly day.

Finally, and maybe most importantly, stay positive. Create a positive goal with a positive mindset and positive reasons behind it. This goal of yours, it should come from a place deep within your belief system. Set a goal that builds you up, that is supported by positivity so that when you are tired and busy, you still know why you are reaching for a better you. 


6 thoughts on “If You Want to Achieve Your Goals, Set SMART Ones

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