A New Year’s Toast

What is it about New Year’s that makes everyone, on every corner of the world, stop and celebrate?

Every person, of every culture, in every time zone, takes the time to stop and celebrate. As the fireworks explode in a rainbow of colors and the Champagne is overflowing glasses, we count down the last 10 seconds of day 365 and prepare to celebrate day 1 of a brand new year.

Something is innately important about this holiday.

New Year’s Day marks the chance to celebrate being alive.

When you toast, you toast to the health you and your loved ones have enjoyed and to the future health you hope is in store.

You toast to happiness, to peace and to the opportunity this new year (and in this case the new decade), represents.

Time and again, you make a resolution to eat healthier, to move more, to live better (even if you’re not exactly batting 1000 on that whole resolution thing).

So, what makes this year different from the rest?

Really, that’s up to you.

40 days ago, I posted this on Instagram:

This New Year’s Day marks not only a new year, but a new decade. That sounds monumental, and I hope it sparks something in your soul.

But the reality is: every single day that you wake up is a chance to do something brilliantly new, and special, and life-changing.

That’s not about resolutions, or losing weight, or running a marathon. That’s about being present enough in your daily routine to take the next step forward.

Remember on this New Year’s Day: take this opportunity and make everything you can out of it.

Life is a blessing. Every day that you wake up with the chance to see someone you love, do something that moves you and/or helps other people, create a better place to live and laugh…that’s a good day.

So, here’s a toast to you: may 2020 be your year of laughter, love and light. May you make the most of it. May you be present to enjoy the moments, big and small. May you be filled with the opportunity of it all.

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