Is lack of time your number one challenge when it comes to getting your workouts done? I hear you. But don’t worry. You don’t need hours (or even one hour), to make movement count. These 10 minute workouts are perfect for those days when you can’t find the time.
Some Movement is Always Better Than No Movement
There’s a common misconception out there that a good workout – one that really counts – needs to last 60 minutes…45 minutes at the very least. That’s just not true. With the right workout, the right attitude and intensity, you can fit in an amazing workout in just 10 minutes.
The truth is, some movement is always better than no movement.
Think of your health and fitness effort as existing on a spectrum. At one end of that spectrum is zero effort: always reaching for the easiest food option even if you know it’s overly processed and unhealthy, sitting on your butt all day long with no movement whatsoever. At the other end of the spectrum is all out dedication think fitness pros with personal chefs and 24/7 trainers who are paid to look good.
There is, obviously, an in between. That’s where most of us live our lives.
And on that in between is the opportunity for a lot of choices, a lot of movement, and a lot of growth.
Some movement – whether it’s a 10 minute walk or a 5 minute stretch session in between meetings – is always better than no movement. And you can get a lot done in just 10 minutes!
Get the Most Out of Your 10 Minute Workouts
You’ll no doubt feel the benefits from a 10 minute walk or stretch session. But if you want to see physical changes and get real results from these 10 minute workouts, there are a few guidelines you need to follow:
- Give it all you’ve got. For short workouts like the ones below, intensity matters. You’ve only got 10 minutes so you need to up the energy and go full force from start to finish.
- Include strength training. Cardio is great, and you’re going to get a cardiovascular workout from these workouts. But you won’t be breathing hard from traditional cardio exercises. Instead, you’ll up the ante using weights, fast tempos and very short rest periods.
- Spend a few minutes warming up. To keep it as efficient as possible, think about exercises that boost your energy and mimic the exercises to come. For example: jumping jacks, high knees, butt kicks, body weight squats and glute bridges.
- Move more throughout the day. 10 minutes is less than 1% of your day. That leaves a lot of time not spent do conscious exercises. See this as an opportunity for functional movement to burn more calories. Invest in a stand up desk or stability ball chair. Clean the house for 15 minutes when you get home. Park further away. Take the stairs. All of these seemingly meaningless choices and tasks require energy expenditure, and it adds up!
- Pay more attention to calories in. In 10 minutes you can burn some major calories. You can also build a major oxygen deficit, requiring your body to level up the energy burn for hours afterwards in order to recover. That’s great! But you still need to pay attention to what you’re consuming throughout the day. If you only have the time/energy to focus on a few things, start here: overall calorie consumption, protein intake, fiber intake and water.
*Not sure where to start with calories/protein/fiber? This is what I do! I help busy women who have big goals for themselves create healthy, stress-free lifestyles and nutrition plans to help them reach their goals. Click here to apply for your nutrition coaching spot.
10 Minute Workouts for When You Have No Time
After a quick warm up, blast some music and get to workout!
The Incline
For this workout you’ll need a bench or some other sturdy platform to create an incline.
Perform 45 seconds of each exercise, followed by 15 seconds of rest. Complete as a giant circuit and then repeat.
Incline Push Ups
Bench Dips
Incline Mountain Climbers
Step Ups
Bench Hops
10-Minute Do-It-Anywhere Workout
No equipment needed.
Complete 60 seconds of each exercise. No rest in between, but you can pause as needed to recover.
Run in Place
Jumping Jacks
Push Up to Toe Taps
Knees Up Crunch
Mountain Climbers
High Knees
Butt Kicks
Squat Jumps
Low Impact HIIT
Grab a set of dumbbells and a mat for this one.
Do each exercise for 50 seconds, with 10 seconds of rest in between. There are some quick transitions here, so be ready for them!
Chair Pose Step Backs
Pike Push Ups
Dumbbell Sumo Squats
Lateral Squat Walk with Weight
Bird Dog – right arm/left leg
Bird Dog – left arm/right leg
Weighted Alternating Single Leg Glute Bridge
Cross Body Mountain Climbers
Crab Toe Touches
High Plank Knee Drive
10 Minute AMRAP
Grab a set of heavier dumbbells for this workout.
AMRAP = as many rounds as possible. For this workout, you’ll complete as many of this 5 exercise round with good form as possible. Set your timer, and go!
10 Deadlifts
10 Pushups (hands on dumbbells)
10 Front Squats
10 Weighted Sit Ups
10 Rows
10 Minute EMOM
For this one, your best bet is a kettlebell but if you don’t have one that is the appropriate weight, you can use a dumbbell.
EMOM = every minute on the minute. Every time a new minute on the clock starts, complete the respective reps!
0:00 – 10 burpees
1:00 – 10 Goblet Squats + 5 Pop Squats
2:00 – 5 Push Ups + 10 Mountain Climbers
3:00 – 10 Russian Twists + 10 second Boat Hold
4:00 – 20 Jumping Jacks
5:00 – 20 Cross Body Punches
6:00 – 10 Russian Twists + 10 second Boat Hold
7:00 – 5 Push Ups + 10 Mountain Climbers
8:00 – 10 Goblet Squats + 5 Pop Squats
9:00 – 10 burpees
Ready for more (slightly longer) workouts?

Hi Julia, This is great! Thanks! I like the AMRAP workout idea.
You’re welcome! Yes, AMRAP is so good for when you know you have a certain amount of time, but you still want to sneak that exercise in!