Getting started on your fitness journey can be both exciting and nerve-wracking. On the one hand you know see the potential for growth and life-changing results. On the other hand you might feel anxious because, what if…? There are plenty of “what if” excuses to not get started. But the benefits of committing to your fitness and health far outweigh the risks. And with these simple tips for getting started, you can lean into the excitement.
Simple Tips for Getting Started on Your Fitness Journey
“Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.” – Arthur Ashe

Have you ever hovered your cursor over a “Get Started” or “Start Your Journey” button, pausing before committing to the fitness or nutrition program because you’re nervous? You want the results but all of the doubts race through your mind.
What if I can’t do it?
What if I hate it?
What if…
I definitely have. It’s totally normal. But it shouldn’t stop you from moving forward. Whether you’ve already hit that “commit” button or you’re still wondering if you should, these tips will help you get started, build momentum and keep going.
Get Real About Your Why
A deep meaning provides a strong source of motivation. When you have a clear understanding of why something is important to you, it can fuel your enthusiasm and drive you to overcome challenges and stay committed to your goals. Getting real about your why will help you prioritize what really matters, keep you focused and give you the resilience to learn from mistakes, and keep moving forward.
Here are a few tips for getting really real about your why:
- Choose goals, and reasons, that are personally meaningful. Deep meaning taps into intrinsic motivation, which comes from within rather than relying on external rewards or pressures. Intrinsic motivation tends to be more sustainable over the long run because regardless of the challenges, you feel the need to persevere.
- Keep asking yourself why until your answer starts to feel emotional. Too often we stop at surface level goals because we think they’ll be enough. While objective goals such as reaching a certain body fat percentage or squatting your bodyweight are totally valid, they’re not very emotional. It’s the emotion behind why you want those things that will encourage healthy decision making it the busy, stressful or otherwise inopportune times.
Have a Clear, Educated Plan in Place
A smart plan with action steps and clear direction is instrumental in getting started. For a lot of my clients, what’s held them back from their goals in the past is a sense of overwhelm and frustration when it comes to their fitness journey. They want a simple, straight-forward plan and they want to know that they can trust the process.
A well-defined plan outlines the specific objectives and steps needed to achieve a goal. This kind of clarity helps you understand what is required and minimizes confusion about the path you are on. A good plan reduces overwhelm, keeps you on track and ultimately improves your chances of success.
I created a great goal-setting, action-step planning resource as part of an all-inclusive, comprehensive Resource Vault (includes a 6-week workout program, training manual, and 75+ swipe-able client resources). Grab the entire set of results-driven resources here or click below to join my private, women-only fitness group and get the action plan for free!

Keep it Simple!
Google “fitness programs for beginners” and in 0.68 seconds, you will have 27,000,000 related links to check out. That’s…a lot. A lot of information, a lot of programs, a lot of lists and guides and plans. Of course it’s easy to get overcomplicated quickly.
Truth is, you don’t need complicated or complex to get started. You need SIMPLE. Here’s why:
- Simple = sustainable. Simple routines are more likely to be sustainable over the long term. Starting with complex or overly challenging workouts can feel daunting. And can quickly learn to frustration and/or burnout.
- Establishing habits is key to your success. Of course creating new habits (and eliminating hold ones), take time. But simple routines help. It’s easier to incorporate a straightforward workout into your daily or weekly schedule, increasing the likelihood of making exercise a consistent part of your routine.
- Success in simple tasks builds confidence. Achieving small fitness goals early on can provide a sense of accomplishment and motivate you to gradually take on more challenging exercises as you become more comfortable with your routine.
Surround Yourself with Support
Encouragement. Accountability. Shared knowledge. Emotional support. Whether it’s a workout buddy who goes to early-morning class with you, an online fitness forum for people with similar interests and goals, or a coach who can provide structured guidance and feedback, surrounding yourself with support can be crucial to your success.
While your goals are your own, you’re not alone in the pursuit of living, looking and being fitter. There’s plenty of us out here! And the nice thing is while my goals might not be the same as yours, and your best friend might not being aiming for exactly what you’re aiming for, we can always find middle ground. We can provide support for each other in challenging times, we can encourage each other to do another set, we can hold each other accountable to show up.
Supportive friends, family, or workout partners can provide motivation and encouragement. Plus, knowing that others believe in your ability to succeed can boost your confidence and drive to stay committed to your fitness goals.

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