The new year is coming in hot. That makes right now the perfect time to shake off the past *cue T Swift* and embrace fresh fitness goals. Whether you’re a seasoned athlete or just starting out, these 10 resolutions will help you level up your fitness game in 2024. Let’s dive in!
10 Fitness Resolutions You Should Make This Year
Instead of making the same old same resolutions, why not make a new kind of commitment this year? The following fitness and health related resolutions below are tried and true, with a little twist. They’re also designed for success: they’re specific, actionable, and results-driven.
Swap Self-Sabotage for Self-Love
Of all the fitness resolutions you should make this year (and every year), this one should be on everyone’s list. It’s that important.
This year, be aware of how you talk to yourself about this journey. What you say to yourself and believe about yourself has a way of manifesting negativity.
When you catch yourself thinking:
“I should have/would have but…”…
“I can’t have that/do that because I have to lose weight.”…
“I can’t believe I [insert negative self thought here].”…
…or when you make resolutions from a place of self-hatred or disappointment you’re telling yourself that you’re not worth it. You’re making your own fitness and health a battleground based in doubt and fear and you’re fighting for the wrong side.
You know what happens when you fight for the wrong side? When motivation and energy wanes, you rebel. You give in. You throw it all away.
Not you. Not this year!
Your mind is powerful. Change you self-talk. Change your story. This year, set goals and act out of a place of self-love.
Close your eyes and imagine your best self. I but you’re imagining someone who looks fit and exudes health and happiness. How does she show up for herself? For the world? How does she speak to herself.
You deserve that. Start acting like it.
Eat Protein at Every Eating Opportunity
It’s time to start feeding your body not just to live, but to thrive. Protein is the powerhouse of your diet: essential for muscle growth, repair, hormonal health, and overall energy. As you set your fitness resolutions, make protein a priority in every meal.
Why Protein?
Consuming adequate amounts of protein boosts your metabolism by building lean mass, making it easier to improve health and reach/maintain your goal body weight. It’s a key component in reaching your fitness goals efficiently.
Use These Strategies to Incorporate More Protein:
- Start Your Day Right: Front load protein with a protein-packed breakfast like a Greek yogurt parfait, a smoothie with protein powder or a egg-and-veggie breakfast burrito.
- Smart Snacking: Snacks are an eating opportunity, too! And one that often falls into the clutches of highly processed (and low nutrient density) grab-and-go-items. Make sure to have healthy options on hand at all times: single serving cottage cheese, hummus and veggies, hummus and seed crackers, etc.
- Diversify Your Sources: Include a variety of proteins like lean meats, fish, beans, and legumes to keep meals exciting.
- But Keep Meals Simple: When you build your plate, visualize 3 sections. 1 section for protein, 1 section for non-starchy produce, 1 section for starches and fats.
(Curious how much is enough? Use the hand size portion control graphic below to eyeball an adequate amount).
By making protein a staple in your diet, you’ll be well on your way to achieving your fitness goals this year!
Hydrate Before You Caffeinate
Replenish. Renew. Reset. Words full of optimism and positivity. There’s a way to incorporate them literally and figuratively into every single day…
Drink 1-2 cups of water first thing in the morning. Yes, before coffee.
Not only does drinking water first thing in the morning rehydrate you and replenish lost fluids, it kick starts your metabolism, aids digestion, and improves cognitive function. What’s more: it gives your body time to go through it’s natural wake up process before getting hit with caffeine. The result? All day energy without the mid-afternoon crash.
Try this:
Place a cup in front of the coffee maker every night before you go to bed. Before you hit “brew” in the a.m. fill your cup and drink it down before you fill a coffee cup.
Strength Train at Least Three Times a Week
If ever there was such a thing as a fountain of youth, lifting weights is it. The benefits of strength training at least 2-3 times per week are numerous:
- Maintain Muscle Mass: As we age, muscle mass naturally decreases. Strength training helps preserve and build muscle, keeping you strong and active.
- Support Bone Health: It increases bone density, reducing the risk of osteoporosis and fractures.
- Boost Metabolism: More muscle mass means a higher resting metabolic rate, helping to manage weight more effectively.
- Improve Balance and Coordination: Enhancing these skills reduces the risk of falls and injuries as you age.
- Enhance Mental Health: Regular strength training can improve mood, reduce anxiety, and boost cognitive function.
I have a couple of in depth breakdowns for the best 3- and 4 day-a-week strength training plans that you can check out to get started:
>> 3-Days a Week Training Plan
>> 4-Days a Week Training Plan
Side note: if you want an tailored program made just for you, your goals and your lifestyle, apply for online fitness coaching here.
Take a Self-Care Moment Every Day
Your body reads all stress the same way. From the physical stress of a workout, to the physiological stress of a calorie deficit or lack of sleep, to the mental and emotional stress of work or relationships. One bucket.
Some stress is good. I.e. the stress from a workout. But what happens if you add that to a bucket that is already flowing? We all know how that feels…not good.
This year, stay ahead of it. Don’t want to feel overwhelmed to act. Act as a preventative measure.
Everybody releases stress differently, but I find that these practices help most people, most of the time:
- Meditation
- Breathwork
- Time in nature
- Yoga
- Gratitude/intention journaling
- Read an uplifting book
- Take a bath
- Get a pedicure/manicure
- Get a massage/facial/take a spa day
*Choose 1-2 strategies from the list above to practice. See if they work. Experiment as needed. And feel free to come up with your own healthy stress relief strategies!
Create an Energizing Morning Routine
Your morning routine sets the tone for your day. This year, develop a wake-up strategy that supports your physical and mental health all day long.
This list is just a start. Feel free to add or subtract ideas and actions that work for you.
- Avoid snooze
- Stay off your phone for the 1st 2 hours of the day
- Drink 2 cups of water first thing
- Step outside
- Write down your intentions for the day
- Prioritize the day’s to do list
- Eat a well-balanced breakfast
- Stretch or workout
- Dry brush/lymphatic drainage
- 15 minutes of reading
If you have fitness goals, you should be tracking something. Otherwise, how will you have any idea whether or not you’re heading in the right direction?
There are plenty of meaningful variables to choose from. What you decide on depends on your goals, preferences, ability to stay consistent and understanding of how to take action.
*Caveat: if your thoughts went straight to “weight”, I understand. But I encourage you to step outside of that box, or atleast track another variable if weight is one you want to choose. It’s a single data point that on it’s own really doesn’t give us the whole picture.
Here are some highly effective options:
- Track macros: balance protein, carbs, fats, vitamins, minerals.
- Track steps: set a daily or weekly step goal.
- Track workouts: aim for consistent progressive overload.
- Track sleep: quantity and quality.
- Track water: aim for 2/3 of your total bodyweight in ounces.
- Track protein: aim for 0.8-1 gram of protein per pound of goal bodyweight.
Follow a Nightly Winddown Ritual
Pop Quiz:
What’s the best nootropic, stress releaser, immune booster, hormone stabilizer, and performance enhancer?
Is it:
- Sleep
- All of the above
Sleep is the Unsung Hero of health and fitness.
These strategies will help you get a higher quantity and higher quality sleep every single night.
- Go to bed at the same time each night.
- Avoid caffeine within 8-10 hours before bedtime.
- Practice the 3-2-1 method:
- 3 hours before bed: no more food
- 2 hours before bed: no more liquids
- 1 hour before bed: no more electronics
- Use blue light blocking glasses in the evening when watching TV or using a computer or phone.
- Practice box breathing/5-5-5 breathing:
- Sit or lie comfortably. Place one hand on your belly and one on your heart. Inhale slowly for 5 counts. Hold for 5 counts. Exhale slowly for 5 counts. Repeat 3-5 times.
- Keep a journal by your bed.
- Use this to write down anything “urgent” that pops into your head.
- Keep your room cool and dark.
Set a Daily Miles or Step Goal
According to studies, 7,500-12,000 steps is the “sweet spot” for steps. Somewhere in this range is where most people saw the most benefit to overall health:
- decreased risk of cardiovascular disease
- decreased risk of diabetes
- reduction in mortality rate
- impacts weight loss and/or maintenance
- improves recovery
- improves metabolic health
If those numbers feel unrealistic to you right now, start small and gain momentum. Track your daily step count as it is now. Add 500-1,000 steps a day every 1-3 weeks. This increase is totally doable. The average person can rack up 1,000 steps in 10 minutes while walking at a moderate clip.
Strive to Create Balance
Think about someone you love: a child, a niece or nephew, a best friend’s kid, your pampered pet. You want them to be healthy. You want them to be happy.
So you feed them healthy meals and you play with them. You let them have a treat because you love them. But you don’t let them have the whole bag of treats…because you love them.
Being healthy, getting fit, losing weight, building muscle…these are all incredibly worthwhile goals. NONE of them require perfection. Some days will be spot on. Some days will be less than stellar. But if at the end of the week you can find a way to balance the discipline of a strategic plan and the required flexibility of real life, you’re in a really good spot.
**Side note: as counterintuitive as it sounds, tracking macros is a great way to find balance in the long run. Tracking macros will teach you about portion sizes and nutrient intake. It will help you recognize how to hit your protein target and still fit in the occasional, worthwhile indulgence. It will help you pinpoint what foods make you feel amazing inside and out versus what foods make you feel good for a moment then pass.
This year, choose self care. Choose self love. Choose commitment. In this list of 10 fitness resolutions you should make this year, find what resonates with you.
Questions? Comment below and I’ll get back to you ASAP!
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