The challenge isn’t the pounds lost or the reps completed.
The challenge is believing that you can do it.
You know all of those goals you dream of achieving, that image of your best, happiest and healthiest self that you hold onto inside?
My goal is to help you realize that you can be her.
My mission is to help you find balance. To create a healthy body and lifestyle that not only keeps you healthy and fit, but confident and happy.
My Story: where it started and how it’s going
I grew up playing sports. I tried everything from running to horseback riding but fell in love first with gymnastics and then later on with volleyball. But it was never my intention to become a fitness and nutrition coach.
Athletics gave me something to be proud of. I was proud to be strong and to have muscles. I loved believing in my every movement – that I could fly if I wanted to. There was nothing I’d rather be doing than working out with my team – laughing, taking chances and building confidence.
When I left high school for college I lost all of that. I quickly felt like everything I’d spent my life building was ripped out from under me. I didn’t tell anyone. I was “supposed to be” the carefree one. The one with a constant smile on her face and confidence to spare.
So instead of asking for help, I turned my focus to the only thing I thought I had control over: my body. I started working out twice a day. Counting calories. Weighing myself every day. Skipping meals and ignoring calls from friends so that I wouldn’t be tempted to eat or drink something “over my limit”.
I didn’t realize how out of control my choices had gotten until a teacher pulled me aside and asked me if I was okay. After that, it’s a blur of parents calling, formal doctors visits and tears. I realized that I didn’t know who that girl was in the mirror anymore.
I didn’t know where the me I’d always known had gone.
I was diagnosed with anorexia sometime between my sophomore and junior year. I moved home, saw a therapist, a nutritionist and a medical doctor weekly. I cried over meals and battled my inner demons. And I slowly built my life back up from what was too close from ground zero.
It was that experience – that recognition that what I thought I’d learned about health and fitness from magazines and fad diets and social media – was so far from the truth. That’s when I decided I wanted to do something about it.
I got my first training certification in 2015. As soon as I started training clients I realized that I wasn’t alone in my struggle. I was just one of millions of women struggling to love their bodies. Struggling to sort through the noise of the “health industry” to find a real life way to make it all work. And I was hooked.
Over the last couple of years I’ve dedicated my life to building a business and a brand that gives women all over the country – and someday the world – access to answers. I’ve been building a place where we can all just find a way to make fitness fun. To use movement and food not as punishment, but as nourishment for our bodies and souls.
To help you recognize that you CAN, that you SHOULD, and that you’re worth it.

I’ll support you, but I’ll push you too.
You’ll take baby steps, but I might ask you to leave some stuff behind.
We’re going to focus on taking action.
Why? Because…no woman’s dreams came true by sitting there thinking about them. No woman ever changed her life by wishing it would get easier. No woman ever found freedom from the bullshit by following someone else’s rules.
But you’re not going after it alone.
That’s where I come in.

A few things to know about me…
- I am a slightly obsessed dog mom and will talk about my puppies like they are my children. #sorrynotsorry. I have two Norwegian Elkhounds names Koa and Leilani (aka Bubbz and Squidge) who are loud, hairy, lovable demon-dogs and they frequent my social media accounts as frequently as lunges do.
- I was born in California, raised in Massachusetts, spent 1.5 dreamy years in Oahu, Hawaii and now live in the mountains of central Vermont. I love to travel and will talk about these places like I live in all of them at once.
- I love to cook and I love to eat. So while yes, you’ll see a bunch of salad posts and the like, please believe I won’t be sacrificing flavor to save calories (been there, done that, it sucked)!
- I’m a people pleaser but I’m not a pushover. Just something to keep in mind if you sign up for coaching!
Now, What’s YOUR Story?
So, now that you know my story, let’s get to why you are really here. What’s YOUR story?
Maybe you have no idea how you landed on this page. Maybe you’re not really sure what you want to get out of reaching out to me (I’m super nice, I promise).
That’s perfectly fine. If you knew exactly what questions you need answers to and exactly how to put the answers to work, you’d be on Google, not
Maybe you…
Need a workout that you jive with…one that works with your lifestyle instead of one that takes over your life (that won’t last long).
Can’t stand the onslaught of conflicting diet advice you find online. You just want to find what works for you (now, and always).
Are frustrated because you keep trying and nothing seems to be working!
Bounce between REALLY MOTIVATED to “when was the last time I worked out?” regularly.
Want to look good, feel great, dance like no one is watching…
Maybe you could really use some help feeling less-guilty about wanting green smoothies AND white wine.
You want to have more kick ass gym days than “why am I here gym days”.
And really just want to feel like you’re living your best, healthiest and happiest life.
Girl, I get you.
And I’m so glad you’re here.
Use my story to spark change – you are worth it. If you suffer from an eating disorder, or know someone who does, please do not hesitate to seek help.
Contact the National Eating Disorder Association for help, resources and treatment. And you are so worth it.