Cardio acceleration is an exercise program that helps to increase fat loss while building muscle. It boosts performance. and enhances overall health. And for anyone with no time to spare? This is a workout strategy that will bring you more results in less time.
Cardio Acceleration: A Fat Burning, Muscle Building Powerhouse
Cardio acceleration is simple. During your strength training workout, instead of standing around or sitting to recover during your rest period, you do cardio. Anywhere from 30-60 seconds of cardio performed in between sets is standard.
You essentially combine your strength workout without adding any extra time. This kind of combo pushes your workouts into the HIIT zone – the perfect storm for burning fat and maintaining, or even building, lean muscle.
Using cardio acceleration could cause greater weight loss as compared with cardio (up to 99% according to some unverified reports) as well as increasing hypertrophy, flexibility and strength.

Here’s how it works:
Let’s say that you’re doing a Lower Body Workout with 3 sets each of squats, deadlifts, step ups and hip thrusters. Choose a cardio exercises to pair with each strength movement. For example you could do 3 sets of 10 squats, with 60 seconds of medicine ball slams in between.
Your Strength Exercises
A cardio acceleration workout is structured around strength movements. Always start here. Think standard, bang-for-your-buck exercises like barbell squats, deadlifts, chest presses, rows, shoulder presses, etc. Keep your reps in the 6-12 range. Any lower and you risk fatiguing your muscles and stabilizers early and increasing chances of injury. Any higher and you’re stamina will take a hit.
(Not sure what your strength program should be? Check out this article to create your own from start to finish, or click here to work with me – I’ll design your program and coach you through every step of the journey).
Your Cardio Exercises
The great thing about this kind of workout is that you can do it anywhere, with whatever equipment is around. I do recommend planning a cardio acceleration workout that doesn’t have you running all over the gym. For example if your using a kettlebell for your strength exercises, consider doing kettlebell swings for cardio. It’s an easier and more efficient alternative then having to head to the cardio room after each lifting set.
Cardio acceleration exercises:
- Run in place
- Jumping Jacks
- Jump Rope
- Skater Jumps
- Squat Pops
- Lunge Jumps
- Box Jumps
- Kettlebell Swings
- Medicine Ball Slams
- Medicine Ball Throw
- Mountain Climbers
- Plank Jacks
- Burpees
Getting Started with Cardio Acceleration
Cardio acceleration isn’t an easy workout technique, but everyone can find a way to make it work. That said, it’s not one-size-fits all. Use these guidelines to get started with cardio acceleration and find the right way to fit it into your workout routine.

#1: Split Your Rest Periods Between Cardio Acceleration and Recovery
You don’t have to use up the entirety of your rest period to benefit from cardio acceleration – though your goal should be to work up to a full 30-60 second rest of 100% cardio. When you’re just getting started, ease into it by doing cardio: recovery at a 1:3 ratio. As your muscles and cardiovascular system get stronger, moving to a 1:2 ratio, and then 1:1, eventually working your way to a full cardio session with no true recovery.
Working up to cardio acceleration in this manner does 2 things. First, it lets your body physiologically adjust to the work load. Second, it gives you time to mentally prepare. Once you know what’s coming and more importantly, that you can handle what’s coming with confidence, you’re more likely to stick with it!
#2: Start with Low Impact, Low Intensity Cardio
Remember, you’re adding cardio to an already tough strength training program. You’re going to kick butt, but give body and brain a chance to adjust.
You want your cardio to be as intense as possible but be realistic and reasonable. If your lifts are heavy and complex – like a barbell squat – your cardio does not have to match that intensity. In fact you probably want your cardio to stay on the DL for a bit. Think jogging in place, jack reaches and cardio toe taps. Save the burpees and mountain climbers for later.
#3: Alternate Between Upper and Lower Body Focuses
A good way to ensure you feel strong and energized throughout your cardio acceleration workout is to spread the workload out evenly. Try pairing an upper body strength lift with a lower body focused cardio exercise, and vice versa. This method allows your muscles a bit of recovery time despite the cardiovascular workload.
My favorite strength-cardio examples:
- Push Ups + Jump Rope
- Squats + Incline Mountain Climbers
- Rows + Bench Step Ups
- Shoulder Presses + Kettlebell Swings
- Deadlifts + Ball Slams
As you feel stronger and you want to increase the challenge, you can switch to all lower body or all upper body focuses.
#4: Use Cardio Acceleration Strategically
Even though cardio acceleration is fun, high energy and works really well, it’s not your everyday workout for weeks on end. Cardio acceleration is taxing – metabolically and mentally. It’s really important to give yourself time off from this type of workout to avoid injury or burnout.
If you want help working cardio acceleration into your fitness routine, let me know! I specialize in Women’s Fitness and Weight Loss and cardio acceleration is right up my alley.