You want to start running. That’s great! This 30-day running challenge is a great way to get started and more importantly, keep going.
Short-term challenges, like this daily running challenge, can be a powerful catalyst. With the right amount of commitment, you can change your life in just 30 days. While yes, if you really go the extra mile (ha, sorry I couldn’t help it), you’ll see some differences in the mirror and how your clothes fit. But the life changes I’m talking about come more in the form of mindset and habit.
This 30-day running challenge is going to ask you to do one thing every single day. It’s designed to help you take action – a requirement for change! It’s that commitment to a new routine, to repetition and discipline, that is really transformational. Why?
Because habits and routine have lasting power.
And that is where real life, fitness and health improvement happens.
Before You Hit the Road…
This challenge assumes that you’ve either never run consistently before, or that you haven’t run consistently in a while. I want you to enjoy this challenge (even as it pushes you) and stay safe. Running is a high impact activity so to prevent injury we will build up slowly. And don’t worry, I’m throwing in some curveballs to keep it interesting and fun!
Before you dive right in…
*Invest in some good gear
One mistake a lot of newbies make is thinking that the same old shoes they’ve been living in for years are going to work just fine for this new running lifestyle. Not true!! Shoes wear out. And worn out shoes provide very little support to your feet, ankles, knees, hips…okay your whole body needs new shoes!
My best advice is to go to a running store near you. Ask for a foot and gait analysis. Tell them you’re a beginner. They’ll not only get your feet setup for success, they’re excitement about your journey will be motivating!
*Always warm up
Always spend a few minutes warming up before you head out. 5-10 minutes of brisk walking, slow jogging, or alternative cardio is a good idea. Throw in some dynamic movement for good measure: high kicks, knee hugs, gait openers, walking lunges, toe touches, etc.
*Tailor this calendar to you
I don’t know you specifically. If we were working together, I’d tailer this 30-day running challenge specifically to you, your schedule, your fitness and health history and your preferences.
As it is, we’re not working together (but we can if you want to!). So the tailoring is left up to you. Adjust as needed. When it’s raining on your long run day and you would rather wait until you can go outside, switch it up! If you aren’t struggling to finish a run interval, shorten it up and add in some more walking. Anytime that you wake up and feel overwhelmed by what’s on the schedule, walk. As long as you are out there checking off the movement box, you’re good.
One thing I do really want to advise: don’t let excitement (or ego), push you too hard or too fast, too soon. Take it slow so that you don’t get injured and you avoid burn out. You have tons of time!
Okay! Time to lace up…
Your 30-Day Running Challenge Calendar

Playlist Run – create an upbeat playlist. Run/jog during the chorus, walk through the verse.
Power Surges – start off walking. When you feel the urge or see a straight away, surge ahead at a fast pace for 10-60 seconds. Return to a walk to recover.
I Spy Run – pick an object ahead (mail box, tree, bend in the road). Pick up the pace until you reach your object. Slow down to your normal pace to recover.
Out and Back – Pick an out and back route. At the turn-around point, note the time. On the way back to the start, increase your pace with the mission of beating your time, whether that’s 30 seconds to two minutes. This is a great way to understand your pacing!
Tips to Maximize Your Commitment
- Schedule your runs. Block off the time on your calendar each day. Make sure you know how much time you’ll need (include travel and warm up time). Know your route ahead of time.
- Lay out your gear the night before: clothes, headphones, hat and/or hair elastic, shoes, water.
- Keep a progress log! Keep track of time, distance, routes, and personal reflections. *You’ll need some of this info as you get further into the challenge.
- Ask a friend (or friends) to join you. Surround yourself with people who will support you and keep you accountable.
- Announce your commitment to friends, on social media or here, in the Transformation Club.
- Have a bad weather back-up plan.
- Don’t let a missed day be an opening to quit. Off days happen. Shake it off and keep going!
- Reward yourself. Whether that’s an iced coffee or cold smoothie daily post-workout, or a massage at the end of the challenge…celebrate your wins!

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