When it comes to fat loss, science says the route to success is to burn more calories than you consume. That’s why most of us turn to cardio to burn fat and lose weight. But any trainer worth her weight in protein powder will tell you: strength training is a major component to building successful workout routines for fat loss.

A healthy diet and regular exercise can help you reach your fat loss goals. But picking the right exercises and the right routines for fat loss can be overwhelming (there’s a lot of information out there).
My take on the best fat loss routine is two-fold:
First, a combination of exercises and types of workouts is best for long-term success. I like to combine high intensity interval training, resistance training and mobility work into my workout routines to get the most bang for my fat loss buck.
Second, the best workout routines for fat loss are the ones that you can commit to doing. I could design the perfect exercise program for my client but if she doesn’t do it…it doesn’t really matter how scientifically sound it is, does it?
The Benefits of Strength Training for Fat Loss
Strength training builds muscle. Muscle is more metabolically active than fat. Being more metabolically active means that muscle burns more calories than fat. Thus: build muscle > lose fat > burn more calories at rest.
As you lose weight, it’ll be difficult not to lose some muscle along with fat. Your body will adapt – as you lose weight you don’t have as much mass to support and so it stands to reason that you don’t need as many calories. However, if you are building muscle while burning fat, your metabolic rate stays elevated. #win.
The Benefits of Cardio for Fat Loss
Minute for minute cardio burns more calories than strength training. And if you’re talking low-to-moderate intensity cardio, you can keep up that movement for a long period of time.
When you introduce high-intensity cardio, the amount of time that you can spend actually moving decreases but the after-burn effect increases. After-burn is the caloric burn and metabolic boost you get post workout, but you only reap the benefits of after burn if you work hard enough.
Each of the following workouts combine HIIT and strength training. You’ll find some mobility work and moderate intensity cardio worked in as well.
15-Minute Kettlebell Fat Loss Workout
Choose a kettlebell weight with which you can complete all reps with good form. Complete the reps assigned to each exercise for each set. Rest as little as possible between exercises, and 60-90 seconds in between rounds.
Kettlebell Swings – 20 reps
Kettlebell Goblet Squats to Press – 20 reps
Alternating Reverse Lunges with Chest Press – 10 reps each side
Single Arm Push Press – 10 reps each side
Single Arm Kettlebell Swings – 10 reps each side
Cardio and Strength Interval Run
Even my non-runners out there can get along with this workout! It combines the best of both cardio and strength training worlds.
5-minute warm up Jog
15 Bodyweight Squats
15 Push Ups
1-minute Jog
1-minute Sprint Interval
10 (each side) Walking Lunges
10 Push Ups
1-minute Jog
1-minute Sprint Interval
10 (each side) Curtsy Lunges
60 second Plank Hold
1-minute Sprint Interval
15 Bodyweight Squats
15 Push Ups
5-minute cool down jog
20-Minute Body Weight Tabata Fat Loss Workout
Tabata interval training is a proven rock star when it comes to fat loss. The protocol is simple: perform 20 seconds of work at a (very) high intensity for 8 rounds, with 10 seconds of rest in between. For the following workout, alternate between two exercises for each 4-minute round of Tabata. Rest 90-120 seconds in between sets.
Set 1: Mountain Climbers + Burpees
Set 2: Squat Pops + Jumping Jacks
Set 3: Skater Jumps + Plank Jacks
Set 4: Jump Lunges + Plank Hold
Set 5: Forward Bounds + Push Ups
Fat Loss Boot Camp Workout
I run a month-long boot camp from my studio that has produced some major results. We’re talking 6 pounds lost in 4 weeks kind of results. It’s tough, but if you’re fully committed, it’s worth it.
Complete as many reps of each exercise as possible during a 60-second, high intensity interval round. Rest for 15 seconds in between each exercise. Perform each circuit twice before moving on to the next circuit. Rest for 2-3 minutes in between circuits.
Circuit 1:
High Knees
Kettlebell Swings
Alternating Reverse Lunges
Goblet Squats
Circuit 2:
Medicine Ball Slams
Bicep Curl to Press
Battle Ropes
Bench Dips
Circuit 3:
Plank Shoulder Taps
Bicycle Crunches
Glute Bridges
Mini Murph Challenge
Have you ever heard of the #MurphChallenge? It’s a CrossFit workout down every year at the end of May to honor the memory of Lt. Michael Murphy and U.S. veterans all over the world. It’s brutal.
For the purposes of this article, we’re going to break it down a bit so that you get the fat loss benefits without having to complete the Challenge in it’s entirety.
Complete the following workout for time:
1/2 mile run
50 Inverted Rows
50 Incline Push Ups
100 Body Weight Squats
1/2 mile run
Total Body 10s
I like to do this workout on my Zoom classes – it hits every major muscle group AND leaves you breathless. You get the burn from cardio during the workout and the benefit of after-burn from the high intensity strength intervals!
Complete 10 reps of each exercise before moving on to the next. Rest as little as possible between exercises, and 90 seconds in between rounds. Complete 3 rounds.
Goblet Squat to Alternating Reverse Lunges
Plank Hold Shoulder Taps
Single Leg Deadlift (right side)
Jack Presses
Single Leg Deadlift (left side)
Bent Over Row to Tricep Kickback
Mountain Climbers
Glute Bridge Hold with Chest Press
Renegade Rows
Dynamic Planks
Lower Body HIIT Band Workout
Get ready to crank out a major lower body builder and fat torcher workout. Grab your booty band and let’s go.
Complete the following exercises for 3 rounds. Round 1: 45 seconds of work/15 seconds of rest. Round 2: 30 seconds of work/10 seconds of rest. Round 3: 20 seconds of work, no rest in between.
Banded Squat Pops
Squat Pulses
Good Mornings
Glute Bridge
Glute Kicbacks (right)
Firehydrants (right)
Glute Kicbacks (left)
Firehydrants (left)
A Final Word on Fat Loss Success
Keep in mind that the best, and fastest way to long-term, fat loss success is by combining regular exercise with a healthy diet. If you’re not sure what that looks like for you, check out this article, or this one, or this one, or book a *FREE* Fitness Strategy Session with me here.
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