7-Day Spring Refresh

You know those days that you wake up feeling sluggish and fuzzy? You need a break. Your body needs a refresh and, whether you have veered from your typical healthy routine or you just can’t remember the last time you went to the gym, it’s time to give yourself some love.

Here’s a fantastic formula for a refresh.

Spend the next 7 days following these guidelines, showing your body and gut some love and you’ll be right back on track.

Abandon the Booze

In January, after a hectic holiday season of parties with friends, dinners with family and work-mode that revolved around going out, I took a break from drinking. I love wine, but I’d reached the point of saturation and wanted a break from nights out. So my husband and I did dry January. Was it awesome? YES. Was it hard? The hardest part was giggling at the hundredth person to ask me if I had a countdown going on.

Even just a few days ditching alcohol will leave you with more energy (you’ll sleep more soundly), a clearer head and more focus through the day. *Note, even a glass of wine a night, which is my typical, makes a difference.

My advice: find a non-alcoholic drink that tastes wonderful and you can drink out of a wine glass. My go to is seltzer water with lime and a splash of 100% cranberry juice. Frozen berries, a swirly straw (don’t judge me), and boom, you’ll find yourself drinking more water than you do during the day.

Bulk Up on Produce

Produce is packed with everything that your body craves: vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants, all for the price of next-to-no calories. For 7 days, let produce take precedence. Shoot for 3-5 servings of vegetables and 2-4 servings of fruit each day. Experts recommend eating 2-3 cups and 1-2 cups of veggies and fruit, respectively, per day in general and most people rarely hit even that mark.

Eating this way for just 7 days will keep you full and satisfied without making your body work overtime to digest heavy meals.

My advice: spread your produce allotment throughout the day. For example:

*Get the recipe for Tropical Kale Smoothie here.

**Get the recipe for Flourless Banana Pancakes here.

Move More, Move Often

Exercise is good for you. You know that already. But it’s all to easy from move to bed, to car, to work desk, to car, to couch, to bed and log less than 3,000 steps in a day and never elevate your heart rate to a healthier level. Over the next 7 days, make it a point to get your butt out of a chair and move more. Does that mean you HAVE to go to the gym? No, but that’s a good idea to.

Move more:

  • Park further away from your destination.
  • Set an alarm for every hour to remind yourself to get up from your desk and move a bit. Take a quick walk outside, go talk to a co-worker instead of sending an e-mail.
  • Use your health app on your phone to make sure you’re logging those steps.

Take a Break From Processed Foods

61% of the food that American shoppers buy is highly processed. That’s not just soda and 100-calorie pack cookies. That’s cereal, granola bars, salad dressing and sports drinks too. The more processed the food, the fewer real nutrients it provides. That’s less vitamins, less minerals, less fiber, less REAL stuff — and more added sugars, processed fats and sodium. All in all, that leaves you feeling tired and weak, maybe even stressed and depressed.

Taking a break from the junk and instead filling your diet with whole grains, unprocessed proteins and fats and snacks, no-nothing-added drinks and meals will go a LONG way in making you feel more like you. Buy and eat food that looks like food this week. Your body will recognize and be able to process the nutrients and energy that you give it instead of having to sort through the crap.

Instead of granola and energy bars, eat fruit with real nut butter.

Instead of juice and energy drinks, drink water with citrus.

Instead of mass-produced breads, go to a real bakery and buy a real loaf made with real ingredients.

*WARNING: you may never go back to processed foods after a week of natural greatness.

Drink All of the Water

If there is ONE thing I could ask you to do IMMEDIATELY and know that you would do it, it’d be: drink, more, water. Most of us don’t drink nearly enough water. Experts recommend drinking half of your body weight in ounces per day. That means if you are a 150 pound woman, you should be drink 75 ounces (at least), of water per day. I promise you that you will notice a difference. You’ll have more energy from morning until night, your skin and hair will look healthier, you’ll feel fuller longer, you’ll know where all of the bathrooms are everywhere you go!

Here’s what I do to make sure I drink enough water each day:

  • 8 ounces of hot water with lemon while I get ready in the morning.
  • Keep a giant (42 ounce) water bottle with ice cold water with me at all times (I freak out if I can’t find my water bottle now). FILL THIS TWICE!
  • Drink at least 8 ounces of water before the gym, during my workout and after I finish.
  • Always have water or tea with me at meal times.
  • Always bring water with me to bed.

Spend More Quality Time with Your Bed

Okay first of all, you’re welcome with this one. This is the one piece of the refresh that I know EVERYONE will love. Your body thrives on sleep! That means you should attempt to get more of it. Your mind is in over-drive, your body is sore and tired, your getting sick or just getting over being sick — whatever situation you are in, sleep will benefit you. Deep sleep is the one time during the day that your body can heal and repair uninterrupted. Let your body have that.

Figure out what time you need to go to bed in order to get at least 8 hours of sleep. Set an alarm for 1 hour before that. When your alarm goes off, shut off the TV, shut off your phone, grab a book, grab a cup of chamomile tea, draw a bath, do whatever it is that relaxes you. And when the time comes to go to bed? Shut your light off. Believe me, you aren’t missing anything.


This kind of refresh is SO doable and you will thank yourself endlessly after you finish feeling rejuvenated, happier and more energized. Guaranteed.

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