5 Easy to Make, Protein Packed Breakfast Ideas

One of the easiest ways to take your protein game to the next level is to get it in early. Eating a big breakfast with plenty of protein (eat breakfast like a king, and all that), is a good step towards hitting your daily protein target. These protein packed breakfast ideas are simple to make and all in when it comes to deliciousness!

First, do you know why protein is such an integral part of your diet? And I’m not talking to the bros out there. I’m talking to you…the busy babe who’s looking to feel amazing, get healthier and look amazing in, well, whatever you put on (or don’t)!

Protein on it’s own doesn’t burn body fat. That said, studies have shown that a high protein diet absolutely contributes to more body fat burned when you’re working towards losing weight and getting fit. Here’s how protein affects fat loss:

  • A high protein diet supports muscle growth and maintenance even while in a caloric deficit. Meaning that when your on a diet to slim down, eating enough protein helps to ensure that what you’re losing is fat mass, not lean muscle mass. That’s important because…
  • The more muscle you have, the higher your metabolic rate. The higher you metabolic rate, the greater your long term fat loss.
  • Protein has a high thermic effect, meaning your body expends more energy breaking down and digesting protein than it does fat or carbs. The more protein in your meal, the more calories your body uses to digest in the hours that follow. On top of that…
  • Because protein takes so long to digest it gives you greater satiety. In other words, you feel fuller for longer which helps to reduce mindless snacking and empty calories through out the day.

How much protein you should be eating depends on, well, you. I go in depth in this article so take a quick dive in to make sure that you’re aiming for the right amount of this all important macro!

If you already know how much protein you should be eating every day, let’s dive into the recipes!


Having go-to, healthy meals that you know hit your macros and you love is important. These recipes give you that baseline recipe. BUT, variety is the spice of life amiright? So I made sure to add some fun ways to personalize your breakfast without too much trouble.

Breakfast Sandwich

Breakfast sandwiches can go a few ways. They can go the route of the gas station, aluminum foil wrapped monstrosity that was fresh 3 hours ago. Or they could be an epically proportioned double decker with too much of everything coming out of your local hip gastropub. OR, they could be simple and delicious and packed with healthy ingredients.


1 large egg
2 large egg whites
2 pieces of Thin-Sliced Dave’s Killer Bread
1 slice Canadian bacon
1/4 of an avocado

Make it:

  1. Heat a non-stick skillet on medium high. Add Canadian bacon; cook 1-2 minutes per side until just starting to brown. Remove from pan.
  2. Spray skillet with olive oil spray and add your eggs; season with salt and pepper. *I like to crack on egg into a bowl, add my egg whites and then gently pour into the skillet so the yolk doesn’t break but you can scramble these two.
  3. Toast your bread.
  4. Spread avocado on one slice of toast, top with Canadian bacon and eggs and enjoy!

Personalize it:

  • Add arugula and Dijonnaise (a little bit of mayo mixed with Dijon mustard).
  • Spice it up with Sriracha or Chili Garlic.
  • Season your eggs before hand by adding rosemary, red pepper flakes and garlic to the pan before you add the eggs. Toast them ~1 minute until you can smell the rosemary, then add your eggs.
  • Add caramelized onions and a little bit of goat cheese if you fancy.

Macros for basic Egg Sandwich:

326 calories, 23 grams protein, 27 grams carbs, 12 grams fat, 9 grams fiber

Protein Pancakes

I won’t lie – I’m cheating with this recipe. Because if it ain’t broke, why fix it? I use Kodiak cakes for this mix. They are packed with good-for-you ingredients and they just make life easier. It comes in a box. There, I said it.

This recipe makes more than 1 serving (1 serving = 3, 4″ pancakes) but I’ve actually found that these heat up just fine in the oven or toaster!


1 cup Kodiak Cake flapjack mix (I like plain old buttermilk, but choose your favorite)
1 cup water
1 egg
2 tbsp Greek yogurt
2 tsp maple syrup
1/2 cup raspberries

Make it:

  1. Mix and make pancakes according to the directions. *I use an egg and water, but you could use and egg and milk for even more protein here.
  2. While the batter is cooking, combine Greek yogurt and maple syrup.
  3. Serve pancakes with homemade maple yogurt and raspberries.

Personalize it:

  • Add cocoa powder and cacao nibs for a super chocolatey start to your day.
  • Mix chopped bananas and toasted walnuts into your batter and turn your pancakes into banana bread.
  • Add cinnamon, 1/4 cup of pumpkin and chopped pecans for Thanksgiving style cakes.
  • Put your batter in a waffle maker!

Macros for the basic recipe:

347 calories, 24 grams protein, 49 grams carbs, 7 grams fats, 9 grams fiber

Tropical Green Protein Smoothie

This smoothie recipe was one of my first ever posts on this blog. It’s based off of my favorite smoothie from Whole Foods Kailua, when we lived on Oahu. Every time I make it I’m right back on the beach!


1 cup unsweetened almond milk
1 handful fresh kale, torn
1 1/4 cup Wyman’s Tropical Berry and Coconut mix
1 scoop vanilla protein powder
1 tbsp hemp hearts
1 handful of ice

Make it:

Add all ingredients to the blender; blend and enjoy!

Personalize it:

You can easily mix and match your favorite protein powder and fruit take make an endless variety of flavors.

Macros for Tropical Green Smoothie:

303 calories, 29 grams protein, 30 grams carbs, 10 grams fat, 4 grams fiber

PB&J Protein Oats

This recipe is so fun to make but it’s definitely not the only flavor combo that works with protein oats. So check out the Personalize it section for my favorite topping and mix in ideas!


1/2 cup rolled oats
1 cup of water
1 pinch of salt
1 scoop vanilla protein powder
1 tbsp peanut butter
1/5 cup frozen, mixed berries

Make it:

  1. Combine oats, water and a pinch of salt in a small sauce pot. Bring to a boil over medium high heat.
  2. Reduce heat to low and simmer until oats are almost cooked and the liquid is almost gone. Slowly add the protein powder, stirring continuously so it doesn’t clump.
  3. Cook another minute or so until the oats are done.
  4. While the oats are cooking, microwave the frozen berries 1-2 minutes until just thawed. You want all the juices to start running!
  5. Once your oats are cooked through, top with berries (and the juice), and peanut butter and enjoy!

Personalize it:

  • Chocolate Peanut Butter Oats: sub chocolate protein powder and top with bananas and cacao nibs
  • Cinnamon Toast Crunch Oats: sub CTC protein powder (I use this one from 1st Phorm) and top with sliced bananas, cinnamon and chopped almonds
  • Vermont Maple Pumpkin Oats: mix in 1/4 cup of pumpkin, drizzle with maple syrup and top with chopped walnuts

Macros for Basic Oats Recipe:

352 calories, 30 grams protein, 45 grams carbs, 12 grams fat, 8 grams fiber.

Breakfast Tacos

I love tacos. Dinner time, lunch time, snack time, and now breakfast. The best thing about breakfast tacos is that you can make them for one or for a crowd, and everyone can build their own exactly the way they want it.


For one serving:

2 small corn tortillas
1 large egg
2 large egg whites
1/4 cup black beans
1/4 cup red bell peppers, diced
1/4 cup onion, diced
1 handful of spinach
2 tbsp salsa

Make it:

  1. In a small mixing bowl whisk egg and egg whites with salt and pepper.
  2. Heat a non-stick skillet over medium high heat. Spray with olive oil and add peppers and onions. Cook 3-4 minutes until starting to brown. Remove from skillet.
  3. Add tortillas; cook about 1 minutes each side and then put aside on your plate.
  4. Spray skillet with olive oil. Add eggs and cook 2-3 minutes, stirring occasionally, until cooked through. Add black beans and sautéed onions and peppers to the pan.
  5. Scoop half of the egg mixture onto each tortilla. Top with salsa. Bon Appetit!

Personalize it:

  • Dice up a bit of cooked chorizo sausage for an added kick of spice and protein.
  • Top with avocado and cilantro if you want that pop of freshness.
  • Use tofu instead of eggs for a vegan version of breakfast tacos!

Macros for Breakfast Tacos:

334 calories, 24 grams protein, 31 grams carbs, 14 grams of fat, 7 grams fiber

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