These 15 minute HIIT workouts will shred fat and build muscle without wasting time.
For some reason I attract busy, no-time-to-waste clients. Nurses, waitresses, traveling professionals, entrepreneurs. These women are capital B, Busy.
As women, we wear numerous hats. Often at the same time. So the Fitness Hat has to fit in there somewhere in between the chef’s toque, the the housekeepers mobcap, and whatever hat the shoulder-to-cry-on wears. That alone is enough to stop some people in their tracks (“there’s just not enough time!”).
But not you! You’re here because you KNOW that you can spare a few minutes a few times a week. You just want to know exactly what to do with those minutes to get the biggest results.
Enter: 15 minute HIIT workouts. No time? No problem.
I love these quick HIIT workouts because you can put in a lot more energy in a short amount of time. Mentally and physically it’s easier to accept that you have to go hard if it’s all going to be over in just 15 minutes.
Can You Really Get Results with 15 Minute HIIT Workouts?
HIIT is a great way to challenge your cardiovascular system. They’re designed with short recovery/rest intervals in between challenging spurts of work – specifically so that your body has to fight to recover during and after your workout. Work to rest ratios vary but to get the biggest bang for your cardio buck, you should be breathless when you finish.

You can work in a ton of strength training too. If you know me, you know this is a huge bonus. Strength training is the #1 fat loss workout around. With HIIT, you can lift and get a major cardio workout at the same time.
Plus, these 15 minute HIIT workouts are fun! They shake up the regular slog of 45 minute elliptical sessions. You can get really creative with HIIT. If you’ve got full gym access – great! There’s something here for you. If you’ve got a single kettlebell at home and a yoga matt – I got you! And if you’re out there in nature looking for a way to kick your butt bodyweight-only style – you’re going to love Workout 3.
15 Minute HIIT Workouts
Each of these HIIT workouts has a different interval scheme, equipment requirement and format. Have some fun!
For Lifting Lovers
You’ll need at least one set of dumbbells for this workout. Choose weights that are light enough to maintain good form, but heavy enough that you are pushing hard for those last few reps.
*If full burpees start to kick your butt, modify them but removing the pushup!

Kettlebell/Jump Rope HIIT
Jump rope is the Unsung Hero of cardio exercises – and it’s a great workout for your calves! AMRAP is a great way to do HIIT because it introduces a sense of urgency – a fantastic state of mind to be in for a 15 minute HIIT workout!

Body Weight Only
For this workout, your rest interval is actually longer then your work interval so…keep that in mind when you surge into work mode. Give it your all – knowing that you’ll have a bit of time to recover physically and mentally (not enough time, of course…but still, time). The best part? You can take this workout anywhere.

No Equipment + No Repeat HIIT
My clients LOVE no repeat workouts. You can give each exercise your absolute all because you know you aren’t going to see it again!

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