If you’re looking for ways to improve your fitness without adding stress to your day, these health hacks will help.
I know the feeling. You’ve had a long day, your boss dropped some deadlines on you out of the blue and the Excel sheet still doesn’t look the way you want it too. On one hand you desperately want to finish this day on a high and healthy note. On the other hand, there isn’t a whole lot of brain space left to power through a tough workout or complex clean-eating recipe.
As a coach, I can help. The women I work with have a laundry list (ha, ha), of priorities. But they know that taking care of themselves is a key factor in being able to maintain their superhuman status.
Do they always have time for a 60 minute workout and a from-scratch dinner? Nope. But they do know that all it takes is 10 minutes to fit in some major health hacking.
Here are some quick, health hack tips that will bring you immediate benefits – more energy, less stress, a muscle-wake-up-call.

10 Health Hacks You Should Know About
Simple. Easy. Quick. Those are the guiding principles for the health hacks on this list.
Lemon Water
Particularly in the morning, a tall glass of lemon water improves hydration, aids digestion and is wholly refreshing. It takes less than a minute to put ice, water and a squeeze of fresh lemon juice into a glass but it will brighten your whole day.
Most adults don’t drink as much water as they should/think they drink. But getting properly hydration has immediate benefits on your energy, focus and performance.
Super Greens
You know those times when “blah” is the best description for how you’re feeling? Giving your body the right nutrients plays a huge role in both your physical health and your mental health. That doesn’t just mean the big three – protein, fats and carbs. If you’re forgetting about the little guys – the minerals and vitamins and phytonutrients – in favor of hitting your macros, super green powders and drinks are your ultimate health hack!
I wrote a full review on my personal favorite super greens from 1st Phorm almost 2 years ago now, and I’m still pro-Opti Greens. Here’s why…just a single scoop of the super greens gives you:
- the nutrient impact of a 2 ounce shot of juiced greens
- antioxidant blends to improve health and immunity
- bloat-reducing probiotics to aid digestion
Mobility Flow
Just 10 minutes of gentle movement is all it takes to shake off the cobwebs and breath some life into your body. Some simple breathing and stretching exercises will do. Get started with me!
Tabata Workouts
4 minutes. That is all the time it takes to knock out a energy boosting, body building, fat burning workout. This science-back health hack is the MVP of all quick and dirty HIIT workouts.
During this style of workout you’ll combine 20 seconds of all out effort with 10 seconds of rest. Repeat 7 more times times for a total of 4 minutes (8 rounds total). Get the most out of it:
- Use an interval timer so that you don’t gave to stop to watch the clock.
- Aim for 85-95% all out effort.
- Use a combination of strength and cardio exercises.
- Do total body exercises to maximize work mode in the smallest amount of time.
Get inspired!
>> 10-Minute Total Body Tabata
The Calm App
Your mind is starting to race. The anxiety is building. Traffic on the way home didn’t help. And now it’s all you can do not to throw your bag down (maybe a tad aggressively) and tell everyone to leave you alone.
You can still do that (#myperogative) but when they do leave you alone, turn on the Calm App.
Calm is the only app I’ve ever (intentionally) paid for. It’s a meditation app with major and very immediate health benefits. The app provides guided meditations of all lengths, types, goals and abilities. I’m obsessed. I make a point of practicing with the app every single day and I can feel it making a noticeable and immediate impact on my well-being.
Go for a Walk (preferably in Sunshine)
A good workout doesn’t always mean the one that leaves you breathless and sweaty. Those are good for the days when your energy is up and you’re revving on high. But in the moments that you have just 10 minutes and you need a break, a walk – preferably while soaking up some Vitamin Sun – is the perfect antidote.
Schedule Tomorrow’s Workout
Today might feel like a wash (why am I making so many laundry jokes?). That’s okay. But that doesn’t mean you give up on the big picture. If you truly need to allow yourself some time to decompress today without movement, make sure to prioritize your workout for tomorrow.
Schedule time that is blocked off just for you. Make a couple of decisions: what’s your workout? Are you going to lift weights? Or is it a cardio day? Working out from home or going to the gym/park?
Creating a plan for a new day can be immediately relaxing and motivating.
Ankle Weights
Here’s a health hack that will not go unnoticed! Ankle weights are the perfect way to add just a little extra burn to your normal routine. It takes just seconds to put them on. Then forget about them! Go about your day, doing what you normally do, but increase the N.E.A.T. with an extra 5-10 pounds.
Foam Roll
Regularly using a foam roller reduces inflammation and joint stress, and improves flexibility. But just a single, 10 minute foam rolling session can bring immediate benefits.
Foam rolling has the benefits of a professional massage, but without the price tag. It is one of the most effective tools out there for recovery, injury prevention, improving movement patterns and building your physique!
Plus it’s one of those “hurts so good” kind of feelings that is a stress reliever all on it’s own.
Choose Fruit for Dessert
One of the simplest health hacks out there is swapping out a typical, high-calorie, high-sugar dessert with fresh or frozen fruit. When you eat sugar your blood sugar levels rise which triggers an insulin response. Eating sugar at night stimulates you at just the point of the day that you want to be winding down.
Instead, try swapping in fresh fruit. You get the same burst of sweet with the added benefit of vitamins and minerals.
You’ll notice that these health hacks run the wellness gamut from physical exercise, to diet and nutritional intake, to stress management. Taking the time to look at the big picture of your health can help you feel more in charge and better able to handle the overall outcome. This is what I do – I coach women all over the states. Helping busy, motivated women find health and love their new healthy bodies and lifestyles is my passion and my business.
Please don’t hesitate to reach out with questions about training, nutrition or general wellness!