What to Know About Using CBD for Sleep (Discount for My Favorite CBD Oil Inside)

CBD is a phytocannabinoid derived from hemp. CBDs rise in popularity is largely due to the recent studies done linking it to a myriad of health benefits including (but not limited to) decreased anxiety, calmness, relief from symptoms of depression and anti-inflammatory effects. The research is on-going but one thing that pops up again and again is that CBD for sleep is something to pay attention to if you struggle to get a full night’s rest.

It’s been a long time since I had a true “Monday”. Between building my own business and working in the hospitality industry, I haven’t known what a weekend is since college. That being said, my body still thinks that Sunday night is a good time to deep-dive into philosophical questions about human nature, whether or not now is the right time to start a family and if I should reach out to Kate from high school to ask her if I offended her that one time during volleyball practice.

Who can relate?

I’m a better person with a solid 8 hours of sleep a night.

A good night’s sleep…

  • improves your mood
  • makes you sharper
  • decreases anxiety
  • enhances recovery
  • wards off illness
  • regulates hormones

Sign me up.

But what if you have a hard time falling asleep?

Or you find yourself awake at 2 am, tossing and turning and trying desperately to shut your brain off?

What’s a girl to do?

What to Know About CBD for Sleep

CBD (cannabidiol), is a non-psychoactive compound found in the cannabis plant.

The interest in research on the benefits of CBD has surged in the last decade. One happy discovery? CBD may help you fall asleep faster and get a better night’s sleep.

CBDs Affect on Cortisol

Cortisol, a hormone produced by the adrenal glands, is involved in a wide range of processes in your body. One of the most important roles cortisol plays is in your stress response. Cortisol is naturally more present in your blood stream in the morning and should fall throughout the day. Short term spikes in cortisol levels in response to stress are beneficial. They help you feel more energized, more focused and more reactive.

It’s when the daily stressors of life – your job, bills, deadlines, global pandemics – persist and cortisol levels are chronically elevated that you might experience negative side effects.

Research has found that CBD, in 300-600 mg doses, has an indirect influence on cortisol levels by essentially signaling your adrenal glands to chill the heck out. CBD essentially halts your body’s stress response – a far-reaching effect for a society habitually rooted in on-going stressors.

CBDs and Anxiety

According to studies, like this one from 2015 and this one from 2020, CBD interacts with receptors in your brain, including serotonin receptors, that regulate anxiety-driven behaviors. These receptors and behaviors are linked to generalized anxiety disorder, PTSD, panic disorder, OCD and social anxiety disorder.

CBD can be used to alleviate symptoms of anxiety throughout the day, before or after a stressful event, or before going to sleep at night. There is currently no regulating body when it comes to quality and dosage, but the research is real and on-going.

CBD for Pain Relief

Cannabis has been used for medicinal purposes for thousands of years. Recent research with animal subjects has demonstrated the link between CBD and a decrease in pain and inflammation. Though more research is needed, anyone who’s experienced chronic pain or inflammation has reason to be hopeful for the CBD future.

*I’m not a doctor or scientist. The information provided here is based on my own personal research and experience. Always consult your personal health practitioner(s) before incorporating alternative methods into your routine.

Reaping the Benefits of CBD

I started using CBD for two main reasons:

  1. To quiet an over-active mind in the evenings when instead of getting ready to go to sleep, I start thinking about all of the shoulda, woulda and couldas in life. I use CBD for sleep quality and calmness.
  2. To enhance recovery. As a personal trainer, fitness coach and health blogger I’m always moving, always lifting, always in the process of recovery. Anything I can do to boost recovery? I’m in.

SMILE CBD Products

I’m a picky human. Maybe not so much picky as particular. I’m a Libra – I’m naturally inclined to weigh all of the options. Pros, cons, lists, options. That’s me. So when offering up a suggestion, especially to ya’ll who are reading this with trust, I want to be sure of my words and stand behind what I recommend.

Smile’s products are “just the good stuff”. That’s important to me. If I am going to pick and choose what I eat according to what’s in it (or not in it), I’m sure as heck going to do that with the supplements I take! Everything in their arsenal is:

  • Made from organic hemp grown in the USA.
  • Cruelty free – no animal testing or animal derived ingredients (so it’s vegan too).
  • Non GMO.
  • Gluten free.
  • 100% satisfaction guaranteed.

CBD Unwind in French Vanilla is what I’ve been using nightly for that oh-so lovely feeling of knowing I’ll get a good night’s sleep. Beware: it works AND it tastes delicious!

Plus, get 10% off your order when you use this link.

1 thoughts on “What to Know About Using CBD for Sleep (Discount for My Favorite CBD Oil Inside)

  1. Pingback: 15 Small Actions That Can Make You Instantly Healthier - Julia Hale Fitness

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