The Ultimate On-The-Go Healthy Eating Guide

You know what would be nice? It’d be nice to be able to make lunch every day in your own kitchen, with all of the ingredients you want, and then actually be able to sit down and enjoy it! But life is not about being nice; it’s about l-i-v-i-n. And THAT means that you have to have a plan for when time isn’t on your side and sh*t hits the fan (ha). Which is why I’m posting this on-the-go healthy eating guide…a healthy plan no matter what time of day hunger strikes.

I feel like my schedule gets busier every week. You know #thestruggleisreal. While I’d love to say I’m always meal-prepped and prepared, that’s not the reality. The reality is that some days hit and I barely have time to push the “save me” button on the coffee maker.

If you’re like me, you know your body doesn’t feel great after a fast food meal. You want to know: what’s the best thing to grab at the corner store/deli/taco stand? What you don’t want to do is rely on overly-processed junk food that’s packed with added sugars, sodium and trans fats. You don’t want it. Your body doesn’t want it.

Every situation is different but this is a run down of what I do when I’m on the run, with very little time, and absolutely stah-ving.

Healthy in a Hurry: Your On-The-Go Healthy Eating Guide

When it comes to heating healthy in a hurry, keep a few essential criteria in mind:

  • Keep it real, babe. Meaning choose foods that are as minimally processed as possible.
  • Keep it colorful. Nothing says “meh”, in terms of flavor and health, like beige on beige on beige (I’m talking to you, turkey and mayo on white bread).
  • Don’t rely on will power. Decide what you are getting before you walk your grumbling belly into Panda Express!

When you don’t have anything meal prepped or packed here are some great ideas to keep it healthy on the go.

For Breakfast…

From Dunkin’ Donuts, I’m going Veggie Egg White Omelet on a multigrain thin. With 17 grams of protein, 5 grams of fiber and 0 trans fats, this sandwich is a good way to start your hectic day.

At Starbuck’s I could get down with a Hearty Blueberry Oatmeal. That being said, your best bet is the Spinach, Feta and Egg White Wrap. Both breakfast options clock in under 300 calories but the wrap gives you 20 grams of protein 3 grams of fiber and very little added sugar.

Panera Bread has a pretty extensive menu with lots of fresh ingredients and whole grains. Get the Avocado, Egg White and Spinach Sandwich and a cup of fruit. The wrap is a delicious combo of protein and healthy fats. That cup of fruit is a nice pop of color, freshness and vitamins!

Surprisingly the classic Egg McMuffin from McDonalds delivers some decent stats. 17 grams of protein is a good place to start. Pair it with some apple slices and you even get a healthy dose of fiber too!

Jamba Juice has some really great options as well as some not so great, sugar-packed bombs. If you want to try something different, opt for the Pitaya Bowl. It comes packed with real nutrients from real fruit. Plus, you have the option of adding on toppings like shredded coconut, almond butter or protein powder!

And because it’s the closest on-the-go option from my home, how about the corner deli/gas station? As good as a breakfast sandwich might smell, I tend to steer clear of gas station sandwiches. My body doesn’t appreciate processed cheese. Instead, I’ll grab a yogurt, a piece of fruit and a bag of nuts. No need to throw your digestive system into over-drive in the morning so keep it light and simple!

For Lunch or Dinner..

Subway is a good option when you are on the run and looking for a veg-heavy meal. Did you know you can turn any sandwich or sub into a salad? Load it up with veggies and stick to the rotisserie chicken to keep the sodium down.

By far my favorite on-the-go healthy meal option is Chipotle. YES, your meal could go horribly wrong if you load up on queso and grab a bag of chips at the register. But not you! You’re ordering ahead and sticking to those essentials. Order a salad with beans and ask for half veggies, half protein. I typically opt out of cheese because I know the pile of guacamole plopped on top is going to be enormous.

I haven’t been to a Panda Express since college but here’s what’s up: the kid’s meal option is typically more than enough food. Pair it with a veggie side and you’ll be more than satisfied and keeping it healthy. Broccoli and Beef, Teriyaki Chicken, Mushroom Chicken plus a side of Super Greens and boom, your lunch is packed with protein, veggies and flavor!

Panera Bread has an array of salad, soup and sandwich options so you can really get creative. I am a libra. You’ll always see me picking a small salad and a soup or half sandwich because I can’t decide. #itsme

*Tips for any salad you order out: ask for the dressing on the side, choose nuts or cheese but not both (I say this specifically on salads from restaurants because they typically LOAD it up!), ask for protein!

And when all else fails or you’re on the road with only a gas station stop in sight, here’s what I would do: mix and match to create a picnic style lunch. If there is a refrigerated food section look for single serving hummus, cheese sticks, fruit and veggie cups and hard boiled eggs. Mixed nuts and beef jerky work to increase the amount of protein in the meal as well!

On-The-Go Healthy Snacks

For those moments when hunger strikes and you haven’t packed any homemade granola bars (!), keep those three tips in mind: keep it real, keep it colorful, know what you’re getting ahead of time.

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