How you spend the first hour of your day can make a big impact on the way the rest of your day pans out. If you’re trying to lose weight, this 6 step morning routine can help kick start your metabolism, get you moving and set you up for all day success.

My motto at Julia Hale Fitness is Fit Now, Fit For Life. I came up with it because even though I know that while most of my clients want results fast, they’d all prefer to keep those results for life.
Daily exercise and a healthy nutrition plan play a role in getting those results. But it’s establishing habits and natural routines that help you maintain them long-term.
Here are 6, simple steps to revamp your morning routine and promote weight loss.
Step 1: Re-Hydrate
You might not feel it but a long night’s sleep leaves your body dehydrated. Drinking plenty of water as soon as you wake up will wash away that groggy, still-asleep sensation. On top of that, drinking water in the morning helps to flush out toxins and waste that has built up over night. It’ll boost gut health and kick start your metabolism, two scientifically backed ways to help you lose weight.
I’m a big fan of lemon water in the morning but that’s personal preference. I do know that if I skip out on my first giant glass of water and head straight for the coffee pot, I’ll feel worse off for it later in the day.
Step 2: Practice Gratitude
Gratitude might not seem like a natural step towards weight loss, but it has surprising power. Gratitude is thankfulness and appreciation for what is meaningful to you. Practicing gratitude creates awareness. It pushes the stressors of the day aside for a moment (read this for an explanation of how stress contributes to weight gain) and gives you time and space to appreciate the small, every day things that make you smile.
Plus, sitting down in the morning to write a few lines about what you are grateful for can help you see how your current routines and habits serve you. You’ll appreciate the nights that you get a full night’s sleep after a healthy meal. You’ll be grateful that you have the time to spend working on your best self.
Step 3: Move
Exercise is an obvious component of any weight loss plan, but morning movement stimulates your brain and body. Moving in the a.m. gives a kick start to your metabolism and your good intentions.
If exercising as soon as you get up sounds anything but fun to you, keep in mind that you don’t necessarily have to go for a run or sign up for a 6 a.m. sweat session to reap the benefits. A few minutes of stretching, or a simple yoga flow is enough to get your blood moving, clear your brain and put you on track for a healthier, more focused day.
Step 4: Get Some Sunshine
Sunlight plays a major role in the natural rhythms of your body. Everything from how well you sleep, to body temperature to metabolism is influenced by the amount of sunlight you are exposed to and at what time of day you are exposed to it.
And more and more, scientists are finding that it’s that early morning sunlight that you soak up just after waking up. So take that morning movement outside and knock off two steps in one.
p.s. Scientists accidentally stumbled upon another major benefit of sunlight…turns out that subcutaneous white adipose tissue (white fat that stores calories instead of burning them for energy), shrink upon exposure to blue rays. #win
Step 5: Solidify Your Plan
When it comes to weight loss (or any fitness goal for that matter), your fastest route to success is a well-thought out plan. That being said…life doesn’t wait for weight loss.
One of the most important parts of your morning routine, one that will surely help you lose weight, is to sit down with your schedule for the day and make sure it works.
Just because you planned a workout for today doesn’t mean you know where it will fit in to your schedule. Take a look in the morning to make sure you find room. Are you going to have time to break for lunch or do you need to pack something healthy from home?

Solidifying your plan of action in the morning ensures that you can move through your day stress-free. Make a priority list: what has to get done/what would you like to get done/what would be a bonus?
Step 6: Fuel Your Day
How you break your fast has repercussions throughout the day.
Fuel up with plenty of protein, fiber and color to start your day off on the right foot. Think eggs, fresh fruit, nuts, seeds and whole grains. Not only will a meal like this fill you up, satisfy you and keep you fuller longer, it’ll set the tone for healthy eating for the rest of the day.
Need some inspo? Grab 15 of my favorite meal-prep worthy breakfasts here!
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