This 20-minute glute workout is quick, effective and can be done anywhere. All you need is a little bit of space, a mat and a weight. No weight? A gallon jug of water is 8 pounds, just saying!

If I can only fit in a 20 minute workout, is it even worth it? I’m sure that thought has crossed your mind one of two times. Your schedule is out of control. Your energy never picked up after your mug of coffee. So what’s the verdict?
The answer is a clear yes! The benefits of a quick workout include:
- improved cardiometabolic health
- better control of blood sugar
- improved focus and cognitive abilities
- keep your body in an anabolic state
- decrease in stress
- it’s better than no workout!
So when you are faced with the decision to workout even if you only have a few minutes to yourself, lean in the direction of getting your movement on.
This 20-minute, at home glute workout is quick and targeted. It’s perfect for those days when you don’t have the time or the energy for a full blown strength training session!
Equipment needed: single weight (moderate to heavy dumbbell or kettlebell), mat
Complete 3 rounds of the following exercises. 60 seconds per exercise, as little rest as needed in between exercises. 2 minutes of rest in between rounds!
Sumo Deadlift
How to: stand with a good deal wider than shoulder width apart. Hold weight in both hands, arms straight in front of you. Engage core and hinge at your hips as you lower the weight to the floor. When your torso reaches parallel to the floor pause, squeeze your glutes and slowly draw hips forward to return to the start position.
Curtsy Lunge with Side Leg Lift
How to: stand with feet shoulder width apart, weight held against your chest with both hands. Shift your weight to your right foot. Step your left foot back and behind your right, slowly lowering into a lunge. Pushing hard through your right, front heel, returning to standing. As your left foot approaches the start position continue to raise your leg up to the side. Pause and repeat curtsy lunge.
Glute Bridge
How to: start on your back with knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Balance the weight on your hips. Brace your core, squeeze your glutes and raise hips up towards the ceiling. Pause and then slowly lower hips back down to the mat.
Glute Kickback with Pulse
How to: start with hands and knees on the mat, back straight and core engaged. With a bent knee, kick your right leg back and up towards the ceiling. At the top of the kick, pulse by lowering and then raising your knee 1-2″. Return to the start position and complete all reps on one leg before switching to the next.
Static Stance Alternating Side Lunge
How to: stand with a good deal wider than shoulder width apart. Hold weight against your chest in both hands. Bend your right leg, pushing your butt back behind you and slowly lowering body weight towards your right knee in a controlled manner. Pause and return to the start position. Repeat on the left side.