Welcome to Online Personal Training with Julia Hale Fitness: 

Personal Fitness and Nutrition Coaching for Busy Women Who’re Ready to Build Their Best Selves.

  • STEP-BY-STEP ACTION PLAN for exercise, including dynamic workouts, how-to videos, and cardio/resistance training to fast track results.
  • STRAIGHT-FORWARD STRATEGY for nutrition. No more restrictive dieting, feeling guilty about your food choices or jumping from one diet to the next with nothing to show for it.
  • DAILY FOCUSES to help you prioritize your own health and happiness. I’ll help you show up for yourself even you feel like the odds are never in your favor.
Apply For Coaching Now >>


You Know you need to make a change to build a body that looks and feels amazing but…

…you’re overwhelmed by the thought of adding something else to your to-do list.

…you never know if you’re on the right track or not.

…you’ve tried programs in the past and you don’t want to end up back at square one again.

…you’re tired of going it alone.

…getting started is hard. 

I hear you.

You’re not alone. I see so many women NOT taking care of themselves because they’re afraid they might fail at something that’s really important to them. They don’t know how to get started or more importantly, how to stay motivated and stick with it forever. They get frustrated and discouraged because life won’t slow down enough to feel like the right time to commit.

I get you. I know you’re frustrated and you want someone to just tell you “do this”.

Which is exactly why I started online personal training.

Online training is flexible enough to fit into your life – no matter how busy you are or how little free time you have. I’m with you every step of the way: through workouts designed specifically for you and your goals, nutrition coaching that will get you results without leaving you feeling hungry or guilty, and action steps to stay ahead of the obstacles. It’s serious stuff, but we have fun with it.

Everything you need to go after your goals and reach your full potential.

100% flexible coaching that is working RIGHT NOW for women across the nation.  Are you ready?


Once you apply…

Applying is easy. Just click on any of the links on this page, fill out the application (3-5 minutes) and I’ll be in touch!

We’ll hop on
a strategy call…

Your Strategy Session is a 30-minute call dedicated to all things you: your goals, your current fitness/health routine, your lifestyle, preferences, access to equipment, support system. This is a chance (the first of many), to get to know each other and lock in your program.

And get started
right away…

I’ll send you an email detailing everything you need to get started: step-by-step onboarding info, getting started resources, access to the Transformation Club and a client FAQ.

And the results
come with consistency.

Build momentum and keep going. This program is designed to help you dive right in to get results now, and maintain those results for as long as you want them. 

Online training is a fun, flexible way to create a body and lifestyle you feel great about.

Hi, I’m Julia!

I’m the founder of Julia Hale Fitness, a female-focused coaching program and community with one aim in mind: to help you transform your body and life into one you feel amazing living in.

I’ve been coaching women all across the country since 2015. In 2019 I moved my business online. Since then, I’ve made it my mission to help as many women as possible quit the guilt-trip of the Fitness Industry (you know it: the one that’s revolves around $$ instead of health), in favor of a lifestyle that gets them real results AND makes them happy.

When I first because a Certified Personal Trainer, I was just on the other side of an eating disorder and workout behaviors that were harmful physically and emotionally. I started to educate myself as a way to stop the cycle of obsession,  restriction and guilt I’d picked up from too many fitness magazines and too much negative social media content. Fast forward 7 years and 3 states and I’m finally able to use what I’ve been through and what I’ve learned to help other women build their best, healthiest and freest selves too.

You’re here because you’re tired of the doubt and the frustration. You’re sick of wondering “what if…”. You want to feel like you know what you’re doing and you want the confidence to feel like you can do it forever.

You know you need to try something different. You’re in the right place.

Apply to Online Coaching today and I’ll help you, everyday, commit to a healthier, stronger YOU.

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