It’s easy to feel like the work you put in towards your fitness goals is a one woman show. You sweat it out with each rep. And it’s you who has to decide: homemade salad and grilled chicken, or take out on the way home? But it doesn’t have to shouldn’t be that way. Here’s how your friends and family can support your fitness goals, and why you should ask for their help!

Have you ever thought to sit down with your family or friends and ask them for their support with your fitness goals? Maybe even for obvious, outright help?
For most of us, the answer is no.
We’re either too unsure of what we need to do ourselves, or we’re embarrassed that we might proclaim our goals and then mess up.
Understandable, but not enough to hold you back.
Because your friends and family, your closest support system, could make or break your success.
Think about it.
Who do you eat most of your meals with? Who takes up most of your time when you aren’t at work? When it comes to hitting the gym and sticking to your diet, who has the most influence on your daily decisions?
Your family and your friends.
Here’s Exactly How Your Friends and Family Can Support Your Fitness Goals
When you’ve made up your mind that you want to get healthy, ask those closest to you for a quick pow-wow. If it sounds intimidating, remember that these people love you. They want what’s best for you which means, they want to see you at your healthiest and happiest too!
Ask for an invite
We all have a friend who looooooves to run/CrossFit/Zumba/spin/insert workout type here. If they love what they do so much, I’m willing to bet they would LOVE to introduce you to it.
When I first started training in Massachusetts, I worked at a small studio with two other trainers, one of whom was my boss. We hit it off and she invited me to come to a CrossFit class with her and her fiance. She convinced the coach that I didn’t need the usually-mandatory beginners intro class. I felt like puking pretty quickly, but I LOVED it. I’ve incorporated CrossFit style workouts into my routine ever since.
Give it a shot. Walking into a new class or gym can be intimidating – but not so much when you walk in with a friend who’s familiar with the space, the workout and the people.
Solicit a Workout Buddy
If you already have a plan, or a workout that you love but just can’t stick to, make it a date.
How many times have you skipped a planned workout, even if it’s written on your calendar and your gym bag is in the car? You don’t have to tell me.
If you know that someone is counting on you to show up (especially to the 6 am spin class, ugh), you are far less likely to find an excuse not to go. And we all know that the more consistent you are, the more results you’ll reap from your efforts.
Plan a Healthier Girls Night
Please believe I am 100% down for girl’s night with margaritas and too much guacamole. You’ve got goals girl and if you head to a mimosa brunch to see your besties on a weekly basis, it’s going to throw a wrench in the pathway to success.
Does that mean no more girl’s nights?
No way! It does mean that you might have to put a bit more thought into it. Maybe girl’s night turns into a hike and a picnic, or going dancing, or even a girl’s getaway to a spa or retreat! I’m currently digging this list of ideas from
Do a Family Kitchen Makeover
One of the very first tasks I ask of my nutrition clients is to do a Kitchen Makeover. Throw out allllllll of the junk that does not support your goals, and restock with healthier alternatives.
The hardest part for most women? Throwing out the goldfish/Oreos/Ben & Jerry’s that their husband/wife/kids/mother in-law can’t live without.
All you can do is ask. Say, “hey loves, I’m really trying to get myself to a healthier place, do you think you could help me by going without Chex Mix for a while?”.
**Moreover, if you don’t want to eat junk food because it’s not healthy for you, do you really want your loved ones eating it?

Ask for Help in the Kitchen
One of the toughest parts of eating healthy is sticking to it when you get super busy/stressed out/sick/tired.
We can’t plan for illnesses or last-moment requests from the boss. But we can plan for those days that are notoriously busy or stressful.
On those days, ask for help ahead of time. If you know that Thursdays ALWAYS suck, ask your husband to help you make dinner, or make it himself! Babes not a cook? Try a healthy meal delivery service, build a giant salad from your local high end grocery store (something for everyone!), or find restaurants that will provide healthier alternatives.
That absolute truth is, no matter how alone you feel on your fitness journey, the people who love you want to support you. Sometimes all it takes is asking the question.