Do you ever feel burned out? Restless and unmotivated?
Maybe you feel that way now?
We’ve all been there. You wake up one morning and feel like you’ve gone from full speed ahead to a screeching halt. Where did the motivation go? Where did the energy go?
It’s in moments like these that you need someone to light a fire under your butt. You need someone to just sort of tell you what to do – and not have to think about it. You need a reset.
It’s around this time that a lot of us want to lean into some sort of massive change. You think “maybe I need to go completely Keto”, or “I’m signing up for a marathon – that’ll light a fire”.
But what you really need is actually a few smaller focuses – smart focuses – that you can successfully follow along with for the next week or two…until you start to feel like yourself again.
Which is my I created the Fully Fit Reset Cheat Sheet. To help you hit reset and re-light that fire under your butt! To help you feel like you again.

7 Signs Your Body Needs a Reset
If you’re reading this post and already thinking “that could be me”, then you already know that your body needs and deserves a reset. But if you’re not sure…if you’re thinking maybe your just starting your period or didn’t sleep well…keep reading. Your body might be trying to tell you something.
#1 You Have Little to No Energy (or you experience a sudden drop in energy).
Feeling tired after a long day or a tough workout is normal. Feeling run down and exhausted day after day is not. If you are completely drained of energy it means your body isn’t functioning the way it should be. That affects muscle growth and recovery, hormone management, appetite and digestion and your immune system. Time to hit reset.
#2 Your Appetite Changed (either you lost it completely or you’re having cravings you don’t usually have).
Whether you lost your appetite suddenly or you are craving foods that you don’t usually crave, changes in your appetite are a sign that your body is trying to tell you “something’s off”. It could be a sign of nutrient deficiency resulting from a restrictive diet, hormonal imbalances or stress but whatever it is, it’s worth responding to immediately.
#3 Working Out Sounds Extra Boring (even though you’ve been on a winning streak).
I’m not saying every workout is going to have you jazzed up to rock through. Maybe you’ve been following the same plan for 6 months and really, it’s boring. Maybe you aren’t recovering properly. Either way, if you have zero motivation to exercise, especially if you’ve been really crushing those lifts lately, it’s time for a reset.
#4 You Don’t Feel Rested After a Full Night’s Sleep (or you’re not sleeping well).
7-8 hours of rest is your body’s happy zone when it comes to sleep. But if you regularly wake up from a full night’s sleep feeling less than revitalized, you aren’t recovering well. That could have to do with a lack of nutrients in your diet, or you’re stressed, or you’re dealing with another health condition. A full body reset can help you get yourself back on track.
#5 You’re Not Seeing Results.
When you’re eating well, exercising regularly, sleeping deeply and managing stress your body has a way of naturally adapting and moving you towards a healthier, happier weight. If you’re doing all of those things and still not seeing results…it might be time to shake it up a little.
#6 You’re Easily Frustrated (or anxious or moody).
Truth: you cannot talk about physical health and not talk about mental health. If you’re easily frustrated or discourage, if you feel like you have mood swings and that you get upset about small things that never used to bother you, a healthy reset might help you calm your mind. *This reset isn’t just about working out and eating your greens!
#7 You’ve Been Going Non-Stop.
When was the last time you had a more than a moment to yourself? It doesn’t matter the reason: if you’ve been going non-stop for a while now a full body reset might be just what you need to slow down.
The 7-Day Fully Fit Reset
This Reset is for you if you…
Are tired and your are tired of being tired.
Lost your mojo and would like it back.
Have a case of the Blahs after a long weekend, holiday period, global pandemic…
Snap at the smallest infringements upon your good graces.
Feel like it.
You won’t be cutting out a food group. Shoot, you won’t even be adopting a whole new diet plan. Nor will you be signing up for a marathon or even wearing a fitness tracker.
Instead, you’ll be making small adjustments to things you already do. A little bit more here. A little bit healthier there.
Stay true to this 7-Day Fully Fit Reset and I 100% guarantee you that you will be feeling better in 24 hours, more like yourself in a few days and better than ever in a week.
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