I’m using the powers of my inner nerd to bring you this Daily Fitness Planner and organizer. People who don’t ever write things down make me nervous (only a little). Plus, I know from lonnnnng time experience that even though planning does not make perfect, in definitely affects progress!

Here it is! The exact fitness planner and organizer that I give my Boot Campers to pull all of the little pieces together.
If you’re not a big planner/prepper/organizer, hear me out…
YES, it takes some time to write everything down. YES, appointments and timing might shift. NO, you don’t have to write down every last detail. But here are some of the benefits of keeping – or even just thinking about starting – a planner.
5 Reasons You Should Start Using a Fitness Planner
I use a daily fitness planner, well, daily. Here’s why.
It helps reduce stress
We all know what it’s like to remember an appointment, meeting or due date at the very last minute. I hated that feeling when I was 12, and I hate it now! Writing your must-dos down ahead of time helps you keep track of what’s on deck.
Plus, scheduling out ahead of time helps you feel less overwhelmed. You will find the days and hours that are jam packed, and you’ll also find space that you didn’t know you had available. You might actually realize that you DO have time for that personal trainer, or you DO have time to meal prep.
Planners help prioritize
You probably have some sort of calendar or planner at work, right? While your career and job goals are a priority, so is your health. Use this planner to find moments, even just 5-minutes, that you can take for yourself.
Of course you have your schedule appointments with the doctor, dentist, acupuncturist or chiropractor. But try to schedule in self-care activities as well! Block off time for workouts, classes, dinner dates, stretch sessions, hikes and sports. Shoot, block off time to do nothing!
Improve time management skills
One of the top reasons women list as reasons they can’t workout or eat healthier is time.
“I don’t have time”.
“I’ll do it when my schedule calms down”.
If you feel like you have no time for anything, including your health, a planner can help you find the time. Using a planner can help you zoom out and look at the big picture instead of just sprinting from one thing to the next. Set up time slots for specific activities. Mark down the must-dos. You’ll find that you have more time to use, as long as you use it wisely, than you suspected.

You’ll Improve Productivity
Speaking of finding the time…
Think about the last time you had an entire day off. Without a plan, without a deadline, you probably didn’t get much done.
Now think about the last time you had an hour to fit in everything on your “so much to do” list. You did it, right? Those are the times I feel like superwoman.
Make a list, prioritize and get .shit. done.
Track Your Progress
Planners, like this one, are a great place to track progress, to schedule check ins with yourself (or your coach), hold yourself accountable and more!
For example, let’s say you make a resolution to lose weight. You could just think “it’s time to lose weight” and carry on with life as it is, stepping on the scale willy-nilly (or everyday, blah), and never really feel like you’re making progress.
OR, you could decide “I’m going to lose 40 pounds this year”. You schedule a weight and measurement check in every 4 weeks and you mark down when you’ll fit in your workouts. You track your progress. Your planner can help you hold yourself accountable to your goals!
How to use THIS Daily Fitness Planner

Step 1: Save this PDF to your desktop or Google Drive. Print out as needed – I’d print out 7 at a time and keep them in a folder or on a bulletin board or fridge. You’ll want it to be somewhere obvious and visible at most times of the day.
Step 2: Write in all of your set appointments and deadlines. I like to highlight these hard facts and must dos in a bright color so they stand out.
Step 3: Schedule your workouts. Which days leave you with enough time to exercise? Mark them. Now, plan your workouts for the week – leaving time for recovery and making sure that you don’t miss your favorite classes! Lastly, block off the time you want to reserve for exercise on each of those days!
Step 4 (am): Every morning, take some time to review what’s going on that day. What do you really want to focus on? Call yourself out on it so you live with intention. Write down your fitness goals: certain number of steps taken, 5 minutes of stretching, etc.
The 6 Step Morning Routine to Get More Results
Step 5 (during the day): Track your meals. Track your water! Cross things off your to do list and get it all done lady!
Step 6 (pm): And finally, make a note about your mood and reflect on how the day went. Were you overwhelmed? Did you have more patience than you usually do? More energy? Make a note – you might find that certain activities and certain schedules affect you positively or negatively and you can adjust accordingly.
Download your Daily Fitness Planner today and give it a try!
Spread the love and let me know how it goes =)