If you’re in the market for a sexier set of gun boats, you’re in the right place. These are 8 of my all time favorite arm exercises. All you need is a set of dumbbells to build strength in this workout for toned arms.

It’s a common misconception that targeting your upper body and arms with focused strength training workouts will bulk you up. Not true! In fact, for a stronger, healthier body and balanced physique, you have to focus on all major muscle groups – including your arms!
These are my favorite dumbbell exercises to tone arms. Below that – I put together a arm day workout that will build strength and add definition. Let’s get to work!
Side Lateral Raises
How to: Stand with feet hip-width apart, 2 dumbbells in hand, arms at your sides. Keep your back straight, elbows slightly bent and brace your core. Slowly lift the weights until your arms are parallel to the ground, arms out to form a “T” with your torso. Smoothly lower weights to return to your start position.
Trainer Tips:
- If you feel like you need to “cheat” by shrugging your shoulders or using momentum, lighten the weight. The last few reps should be challenging but you should always feel in control.
- Lead with your elbows. This will focus the work on your delts and minimalize the stress placed on your rotator cuffs.
- Bent Over Lateral Raises
- Front Raises
- L-Raises
- Single Arm Side Lateral Raises
Renegade Row with Push Up
How to: Start in a straight arm plank position, one dumbbell in each hand. Keep your back straight and brace your core. Row on one side by driving your elbow up, keeping your elbow close to your body and drawing the dumbbell towards your rib cage. Repeat on the opposite side. After completing one row with each arm, with both dumbbells back on the ground complete a single rep of a push up. That’s one rep!
Trainer tips:
- To get the most out of this exercise try to engage your core strongly enough so that your hips and shoulders face the floor at all times. The further apart your feet are (to a point), the steadier your torso will feel.
- To complete the push up lead with your chest, not your chin.
- Kneeling Renegade Rows
- Renegade Rows, no Push Up
Standing Reverse Flyes
How to: Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, a light dumbbell in each hand, palms facing in towards each other. Hinge at the hips and lean forward, keeping your back and shoulders flat and straight, until your torso is near parallel to the ground. Your arms should be hanging straight down, elbows slightly bent. Slowly lift the weights to the side until they reach shoulder height. Pause and squeeze your shoulder blades together and then smoothly return your arms to the start position.
Trainer tips:
- If you feel that you need to use momentum to start or complete the exercise, use a lighter weight so that you can truly focus on the muscles doing the work.
- Imagine a pencil resting along your spine. As you lift the weights to the sides, squeeze that imaginary pencil to keep it in place.
- Single Arm Reverse Flyes
- Seated Reverse Flyes
- Band/Cable Reverse Flyes
Overhead Extensions
How to: Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, a dumbbell in each hand, palms facing in. Raise the dumbbells up over your head so that your arms are straight, elbows next to your ears. Slowly and smoothly lower the weights behind your head by bending only at the elbows (keep those elbows facing forward as much as possible). Once your arms have reached the farthest point of a comfortable range of motion, pause and return to the start position.
Trainer tips:
- Your arms should remain above your head through the entire set. The only part of your body that bends is your elbows.
- Start with lighter weights – whenever lifting dumbbells above your head!
- Stead Overhead Extensions
- Single Arm Extensions
- Alternating Extensions
Alternating Hammer Curls
How to: Stand with feet hip-width apart, a dumbbell in each hand, palms facing each other. Bend one elbow to curl the weight up towards your chest and shoulder. Pause and return to the start position. Repeat on opposite arm.
Trainer tips:
- Use a weight that is challenging for the last few reps but doesn’t leave you using momentum to complete the exercise.
- Keep your elbows locked in around your rib cage so that they don’t move as you lift.
- Squeeze at the top!
- Bicep Curls
- Hammer Curls (no alternating)
- Seated Curls
- Cross Body Single Arm Curls

Single Arm Rows
Find a sturdy bench or platform and place your dumbbell beside it. To begin the exercise, bend to pick up the dumbbell in your right hand, arm straight and palm facing you, and place your left hand on the bench/platform to brace your upper body. Position feet into a split stance position with your left leg in front. Keep your back straight and brace your core. Begin the row with your right arm by driving your elbow up, keeping your elbow close to your body and drawing the dumbbell towards your rib cage. Repeat on the opposite side.
Trainer tips:
- Pause at the top of the movement, squeezing your shoulder and back muscles in towards your spine.
- Use a weight that challenges you but does not requires momentum to move.
- Bent Over Row
- Dumbbell Incline Row
Dumbbell Curls to Presses
How to: Stand with feet hip-width apart, a dumbbell in each hand, palms facing forward (away from your body). Bend at the elbows to curl the weight up towards your chest and shoulder. Pause and push the weights up above your head, rotating your wrists so that they are again facing forward, until your elbows are straight. Reverse motion to return to the start position.
Trainer tips:
- Use weight that is heavy enough to challenge your muscles, but not so heavy that you feel you have to use momentum to complete the reps.
- For a steadier stance, take a half step out.
- Seated Curls to Press
- Alternating Curls to Press
>> Get more dumbbell exercises to shape your shoulders here!
Bench Dips
How to: Start by sitting on the edge of a sturdy bench, knees bent. Place your palms on the edge of the bench just wider than shoulder-width apart, fingertips gripping the edge. Slide forward until your butt just leaves the bench. Bend at the elbows and drop in a controlled manner until your butt almost touches the floor. Push back up into a straight arm position.
Trainer tips:
- The further your feet are from the bench the more weight transitions to your arms, making the movement more difficult.
- Increase the challenge even more by placing your heels up on an elevated surface.
Put it all together
So what’s it look like put together and organized?
As a single upper body workout…
Perform as a circuit. Complete each exercise for 10-12 reps, doing one set of each before starting over again at the top. Rest 45-60 seconds in between exercises.
As part of a split routine…
Integrate the following exercises into your Back and Biceps workout: Renegade Rows, Reverse Flyes, Alternating Hammer Curls, Lawn Mowers, Curls to Press.
Integrate the following exercises into your Chest, Shoulders and Triceps workout: Side Lateral Raises, Overhead Tricep Extensions, Bench Dips.

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