If you could feel healthier, lose some weight that you’re not really into having anymore, do less math and maybe even save yourself some money, would you do it?
Me too.

If you’re trying to lose weight or simply starting to eat healthier so that you feel better, have more energy and can make your doctor smile, you’re not alone.
In fact, about half of American adults are trying to lose weight (so really, you’re not alone).
And calorie counting ranks up there in the “strategies to eat less” category.
But I don’t really like math so here are MY healthy eating tips to make eating for your goals easier.
Use portion control
Rather than weigh out your burger patties, use a simple method of portion control that requires one (maybe two), things that you ALWAYS have with you: your hand(s).
Here’s how it works, ladies:
- 1 serving of protein = the size of your palm
- 1 serving of carbohydrates = the size of you cupped hand
- 1 serving of vegetables = the size of your fist
- 1 serving of fat = the size of your thumb
Shoot for 4-6 servings of each nutrient throughout the day (as a baseline). You can adjust by ½ or full portion sizes depending on how full you feel and what results you see.
Here’s why it works:
[1] Your hands are proportionate to your body. If you are a small human, you likely have smaller hands. If you are a larger human, your hands are larger, as are your nutrient needs.[2] Portion control encourages the consumption of real, minimally processed foods. Does a hot pocket fit into the carb category or the fat category or the protein category? Not sure. But I know exactly where an apple and peanut butter fits.[3] You give your body a wide variety of nutrients, all of which it needs to live and thrive.Eat until satisfied, not stuffed
Anyone grow up as part of the Clean Plate Club?

I remember sitting at the dinner table pushing green peas around my plate, complaining that I reealllllyyy neeeeeeded ice cream but I couldn’t possibly fit these last green balls into my belly.
(I did not get ice cream until I cleaned my dinner plate).
Except these days, portion sizes and plate sizes are getting bigger and bigger. Cleaning your plate often means stuffing yourself with more food than you actually need.
And then you feel gross as soon as you put down your fork.
Eating until satisfied is about mindfulness. Mindful eating opens up a whole new world of food and self-satisfaction.
Practice mindful eating by:
- Putting your fork down between bites.
- Eating without distractions (by TV, by computer)
- Taking the time to appreciate your food before, during and after eating (use all of your senses)
- Use smaller plates – a smaller amount of food still looks like a lot
Fill half of your plate with vegetables
Veggies are nutritionally-dense and calorically-light. What’s that mean?
It means fill up on them because they’re super healthy and they won’t break the “energy-in” bank.
They’re also packed with fiber, which tends to fill you up and keep you satiated.
I love the phrase “eat the rainbow”. Choosing vegetables (and fruits), in a variety of colors is a great way to pack in the whole gamut of vitamins and minerals that your body needs. It’s also a great way to increase mindfulness – it forces you to be playful with what you choose and wakes you up to how colorful and beautiful a plate can be.
Think about food on a health spectrum
No foods are off limits. There is no “good” and no “bad”…assignations that automatically hit the “want that” button in our brains.
Instead, think about food as laying on a spectrum. Some foods are healthier than others, but no food is completely off limits.
Stay hydrated!
On average, how much water do you drink each day? If you had to track your intake, would you be surprised at how little your H20 total intake is?
Most people would be.
Water is a game-changer when it comes to healthy eating and it 100% has a bold place on this list of tips to make weight loss easier.
Quite simply, it’s really easy to mistake thirst for hunger. Water fills your belly, helps you stay focused and boosts your energy levels, especially as you near the end of your work day.
Any changes you make to your eating and living pattern in order to lose weight should mesh well into your normal routine. If it doesn’t, it most likely won’t stick! So even if you do see results at first, that won’t last once you go back to the old way of eating.
Try these healthy eating tips and strategies– they’re simple, and highly effective. Pick one or two to test out…and let me know how it goes in the comments below!
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