You don’t need much equipment, if any at all, to build and tone your entire upper body. Finish this upper body workout in just 20-minutes and I promise you’ll feel it the next day!

Do you have 20 minutes?
(Answer: yes).
Great! This upper body workout will take you 20-minutes to rock out. You’ll work your back, chest, shoulder, biceps, triceps and even your core in a giant circuit training style workout. If you like leaving your workouts knowing you’ve crushed it, you’re in the right place.
Complete 3-4 rounds; as little rest in between exercises as possible.
Push-up to Rotation
Start in a high plank position, feet just wider than hip distance apart. Perform 1 push up, keeping your back straight and core tight. As you return to a high plank position, rotate to the right and reach your right arm up to the ceiling. Return to high plank. Repeat push up with rotation to the left side. 12 reps
Bench Dips
Begin by sitting on a bench of chair with palms at the edge and fingers wrapped underneath. Move forward until your butt is just off the bench or chair. Bend at the elbow, lowering your butt to the floor until upper arms are parallel to the floor. Push back up. 15 reps
Plank Shrug
Start in a high plank position. Tighten your core and push your shoulders and upper back towards the ceiling. Relax and repeat. 15 reps
Lie on the floor, chest facing down, arms straight out in front of you. Squeeze your posterior chain, from your glutes and hamstrings all the way up to your shoulders. Lift arm and legs off the floor and hold, squeezing at the top, for a 2 count. Relax and return to the start position. 12 reps
Plank Up Downs
Start in a high plank position. Starting on your right side, pick up your hand and place your forearm on the floor. Repeat with your left arm. Once in a forearm plank, place right hand on the floor under your arm pit. Start to push up off the floor and move your left hand under your arm pit to push up into high plank position. 10 reps
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